A/N okay so this story was done in 15 parts but since I love y'all. Imma put all 15 parts into one chapter so it's gonna be a very very veryyyy long chapter reaching 100,000 words sooooo good luck.
Disclaimer: written by @EmmyJean
June, Fifth Year
"Prongs, where did you put that deck of exploding snap cards?" Sirius Black called over the noise of talking and laughing in the Gryffindor common room. It was the end of the term, and the Gryffindor prefects had been given permission by Professor McGonagall to throw a party in celebration. There was an endless amount of food and butterbeer, much game-playing, and even a few slight mishaps...but the evening was still young.
"I don't know, I didn't have them," James Potter called from his place on a couch, his arm resting casually across the shoulders of the girl he was seeing at the moment, "Ask Wormtail!"
Peter Pettigrew turned at the sound of his nickname and raised his eyebrows. Short and stocky, he didn't look the part of a Marauder - James, Sirius, and Remus Lupin were all tall and lean. "Is someone calling me?""Yeah," Sirius grumbled, "What did you do with those cards?"
Peter blinked, then pulled the deck out of the pocket of his trousers. Holding it out to Sirius, he asked, "Are you going to have a game?"
"In a manner of speaking," Sirius replied cryptically, earning a suspicious look from Remus. He walked over to where James was sitting and asked, "Care for a game?"
James eyed the deck Sirius was waving enticingly in front of his face, then smiled evilly and jumped up, the girl next to him temporarily forgotten at the prospect of causing some sort of mischief. They cleared a space at the table nearest the window, and Sirius dealt. Remus and Peter walked over to watch, along with some other interested students. After both players had a full hand, Remus asked wryly, "What could possibly make you two start a game of cards in the middle of a party?"
James grinned up at his friend and replied, "Think of the possibilities."
Sirius smiled slightly at this and asked, "Hey James?"
"How do you reckon could we make this game more entertaining for the group of onlookers we seem to have attracted?"
James glanced around and replied, "Huh...I don't know. It would have to be something spectacular, to keep this lot's attention."
The two friends locked eyes and made their decision, grinning as they did.
"Why do I think this is going to end badly?" Remus mumbled mildly.
"Nonsense, Moony," James reassured, removing his wand from his pocket, "We're only going to enhance the game a bit.""Besides," Sirius said, an ironic smile twisting his handsome face, "What are you going to do? Report us?"
At this, Lily Evans finally decided to speak up. She too was a prefect, and she felt it was her duty to say something in the way of a warning...even if the fact was that she really didn't want to get involved. How was she supposed to live up to the badge if she shied away from the things that were hard? After all...she'd dealt with him and his friends before. "Look...I don't think you should do this. We aren't allowed to use magic at all...it was one of the conditions to having this party."
James and Sirius exchanged a glance, and James replied, "Oh, come on, Evans. No one has to know."
She persisted, "I don't think you should. It could go wrong."

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter