Disclaimer: written by @that lionhearted vagabond
First Year
Lily Evans had the unfortunate disadvantage of being a muggleborn girl in the undeniably prejudiced world of magic. And although Severus had told her that the status of her blood didn't matter, she had heard several of the snide remarks when she had gone to buy her supplies in Diagon Alley. So Lily, who'd always been a bright girl (and was also afflicted with the quite common adolescent illness known as pig-headedness), was going to work as hard as she could to prove to everyone that she belonged. Starting with the first class of her magical education, this just happened to be transfiguration.
So she sharpened her newly bought quills (which she'd been diligently practicing writing with),and brought them, along with a couple of sheets of parchment and her textbook (which she had already read several times in an effort to conquer the divide between her and her classmates), and parked her prepubescent body directly outside the door to the transfiguration classroom. She was the first to arrive, ten minutes early, in hopes of getting a seat by the front of the classroom.
As it turned out that her time of arrival wasn't really of consequence, for Professor McGonagall gave assigned seats. Apparently they were completely random, chosen by some magical object that Lily didn't know the name of. The person she shared her desk with would, supposedly, be her partner in that particular class for the entire seven years (if they both chose to take transfiguration as an N.E.W.T. level class that is).
Transfiguration was taken with the Ravenclaws, so Severus wasn't an option, but Lily desperately hoped that her partner would be agreeable enough. So of course she ended up seated next to James Potter. She had met him briefly on the train and she had taken an immediate dislike to him, he just rubbed her the wrong way. Like the way he lounged carelessly back in his chair, balancing it on two legs, annoying.
It only got worse as class started, not only did he refuse to take notes, but he also quickly became bored, so naturally he started pulling on her braids, the braids that Lily had spent half an hour doing, and re-doing this morning until they were perfect."Leave me alone Potter," she hissed at him as McGonagall started writing on the board.
"But why Evans? It's so much fun winding you up," he evidently had not spoken quite as quietly as his companion as McGonagall heard him; she pursed her lips slightly and glared at them, but otherwise gave no outward sign of disapproval. The lack of discipline seemed to encourage the boy for he began doodling on Lily's parchment, her very neat parchment on which she was currently taking notes for her first magical class ever.
"Potter," she hissed again, jerking her notes away from the unruly boy, this action however caused the bottle of ink she had been dipping her quill in to spill all over her notes,
"Oh now look what you've done," she half cried, trying valiantly to wipe it off with minimal success.
"Me?" James replied, "You're the one that knocked the ink over." McGonagall heard them again, because she, like quite a few teachers, had an unnerving talent for picking up whispered conversations, this time however she did not bother to turn around,
"Potter, Evans," she said, clearly irritated, "I would appreciate it if you at least made an effort to pay attention on your first day." This caused Lily to blush slightly, and quelled the witty retort she had been preparing to aim at her partner. Unfortunately, James' abilities to suppress his thoughts were not equal to hers when in the face of authority. So he dipped his fingers in the mess of ink that had accumulated on their desk and flicked it at Lily, it hit her in the face.
Lily took a deep breath and told herself to ignore him; this boy was not worth getting any further into her teacher's bad graces. James however did not appreciate being ignored, so in a desperate attempt to get her attention again he reached into the loose pocket of her school robes and withdrew her wand, and so Lily stopped ignoring him.

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter