Disclaimer: written by @rideswithprongs
Lily doesn't like the rain; in fact, she positively loathes it. She cannot bear the way it sticks her clothes uncomfortably to her, the way it stings her skin with its icy cold, and the way it gets into her shoes, making her feet slosh as she walks. She is definitely more of a summer girl, much preferring the feel of warm sunshine tickling her skin. Unfortunately for her, she has managed to pick a boyfriend who adores the rain; a mere few minutes after it starts, he is begging her to go for a walk in it.
Lily sighs as she stares out of the window. It started to rain just over a minute ago, so by her estimation, she has about three minutes before she has to tell James to, "Bugger off." She wastes one of those minutes by seriously considering hiding from him before she remembers that stupid map of his, making her decide not to waste her last few precious moments on futile efforts. Instead, she chooses to spend the time in her favourite corner of the library, her nose in her favourite Charms book.
Lily feels like she has barely had any time to enjoy the book before James comes running over, Madame Pince glaring at his back. "No running in the library," she hisses loudly.
"Sorry," James calls over his shoulder, as he slows to a walk. He reaches Lily and bends down to kiss her on the cheek. "Hey Evans," he whispers, not wanting to get himself in more trouble with Madame Pince.
"No way," Lily states immediately, figuring she might as well try to save herself some time by letting James know straight away that there is no way she is going for a walk in the rain. James simply grins and pulls a rucksack off his back.
"I thought you might say that," he says, as he sits down in a chair opposite her. He places the rucksack on the table between them and starts to open it. "So I brought some things that may help change your mind."Lily leans back in her chair and folds her arms. "You're wasting your time," she sings.
"You underestimate me far too much," James smirks. "I'd have thought you would have learnt your lesson around the time you agreed to go out with me."
"Cocky much?"
"Stubborn much?"
Lily kicks him under the table. "I can't be that stubborn or else I wouldn't be going out with you." James laughs and the way his eyes light up when he does makes Lily wish they weren't in the library so she could snog him senseless. She vaguely wonders how Madame Pince would react if she just did it here; the thought of it makes her blush.
"Something making you blush?" James drawls. He rises out of his chair and leans across the table, bringing his lips closer and closer to Lily's. He is just about to reach her when Lily pushes his face away.
"Not in the library," she hisses, and then, in an attempt to distract him from snogging, "Come on then Potter, show me your bag of tricks."
"Glad you asked," James begins as he pulls a green umbrella out of the rucksack. "Firstly this, to keep the rain off your pretty head. And it's green, my favourite colour," he coos.
"Sucking up will get you nowhere," Lily says.
James pokes his tongue out at her. "Fine," he replies. "But you get the point, yeah?" Lily throws him a look and he continues, "Well yes, you know what an umbrella is."
"If this is the best you've got, I wouldn't bother with the rest," Lily mutters. "I'm still on no."
James rolls his eyes at her. "Well I'm obviously saving the best until last." He pulls something made out of black bin sacks that Lily is unable to distinguish.

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter