disclaimer: written by passionflower24
a/n: lmk if i've already posted this chappy i think i have not sure
Lily sighed as she levitated a bauble high into the depths of one of the Hogwarts Christmas trees. She inhaled deeply, smiling as the woodsy scent of the fir entered her nostrils. She loved this time of year, the atmosphere always made her smile. She turned to pick up another bauble.
"Need some help?" Lily groaned inwardly and turned, bauble still in hand, towards the voice.
"What do you want now Potter?"
"Do you want any help? You know, with the decorations?" He was leaning casually on a nearby wall, grinning from ear to ear, twirling his wand between his fingers.
"No thank you." Lily turned back to the job at hand, flicked her wrist, and pulled her wand through the air, "Wingardium Leviosa!" The decoration flew up gently and placed itself in a back corner of the tree.
"I always wondered," James said thoughtfully, "why people ever bother to decorate the back of the tree. Nobody ever sees it so what's the point?"
"The point," Lily said through gritted teeth, without turning to look at him, " is that ..." Lily paused, desperately trying to come up with a good enough reason to justify it. "Well, it's as much as I can expect from you, a guy who always takes the easy way out."
Satisfied, she extracted the last bauble and charmed it to also hang in the back. Then, with a little smirk at James, she picked up her wand and closed her eyes, she would need all her concentration for this.
"Obtestari!" she said, before swishing her wand powerfully. Nothing happened. She growled in frustration.
"What," said James, "was that?" His voice held a maddening air of superiority and was tinged with amusement.
Lily ignored him, and brought her concentration back to the task at hand. Transfiguration had always been more difficult to her than her other subjects.
She lifted her wand, but was stopped when James reached forward and grabbed her arm.
"What are you trying to conjure?"
"Will you just go away, Potter?" she hissed, pulling her arm away from his grip, and placing them determinedly on her hips. She looked up at him, and he winked at her.
"Arrgh! Just leave me alone to finish this job so that I can go back to the common room."
"You're doing the spell wrong," James said mockingly, smiling at her through his glasses. "You're going to blow something up..." he trailed away, before ruffling his hair.
Lily clenched her fists. She hated being told she was wrong, especially by James Potter, and especially when she knew she was wrong as well.
"I will not blow something up. I got an E for my Transfiguration O.W.L." She turned to him once more, to find he was standing right behind her. He was so much taller than her that she had to crane her neck to look at his face.
"Well," said James smiling through a shrug, his eyes sparkling. "That is a very good mark, but it doesn't change the fact you're going to blow something up. Now what would that do for your record, Little Miss Head Girl?"
Lily scowled at him. "I'll never understand why Dumbledore made you Head Boy."
"Well, because I am so wonderful and good-looking, Lily-kins." He bent down so that they were nearer the same level and she snorted. "It could also be that I got Outstanding in every O.W.L."
"No you didn't!" Lily exclaimed in outrage.
"I assure you, I did. Now please will you let me help you?"

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter