The first time lily and james became friends

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A/N okay if you don't know I'm writing this bc some people prefer Wattpad over other apps. I know I prefer Wattpad over any other app so I'm just reposting these for you guys and for me a bit bahhaha anyway carry on

Disclaimer: written by @junebug617

As James let the Golden Snitch drift in and out of his fingers, he allowed his gaze to drift over to the girls by the waters edge, especially on one in particular. Lily was beautiful, that much Sirius and he agreed on, but he always got the impression that his best friend's interest in the redhead ended there at face value. James, though he'd never admit it, had always admired her fiery spirit as much as her looks. It hardly seemed like years since they first met in the on the train and then in Great Hall, with Sirius spilling pudding in her lap and her angry expression as he laughed at the mess. He still swore she'd never forgive him for that one, no matter how hard he tried to apologize.

Wormtail's cheers snapped him out of his reverie as his fist closed around the snitch once more. With a quick grin, James twirled the golden ball into the air, letting it get just a bit farther away before snatching it just in time.

"Put that away, will you?" his dark haired best friend asked, annoyed. "Before Wormtail wets himself from excitement." James only smirked.

"If it bothers you...." He let his voice trail away, making sure to leave Sirius with the impression that his new boredom was indeed his fault.

Seemingly picking up on his mood, Sirius whined, "I'm bored. Wish it was full moon." He leaned back against the tree and looked longingly at the sky, as if staring long enough would make it change.

"You might," joined in Remus Lupin. "We've still got Transfiguration, if you're bored, you could test me.... Here."

James grinned at Mooney's hopeful expression. As if Sirius would actually help anybody study. "I don't need to look at that rubbish, I know it all."

Eyes drifting towards the lake again, James noticed that Lily's carefree expression had changed in the past few minutes. It was now a bit more worried, as if someone had told her it was about to rain. Following her gaze, he saw the problem. Snivellus. According to Mooney, whom Lily talked to often, good ol' Snape hadn't been himself lately, sneaking off with the likes of boys who held very dark interests. The fact that Lily was concerned about him at all made James' heart pound with frustration.

"This'll liven you up, Padfoot," James murmured, watching Snivellus with more distaste than usual. "Look who it is..."

"Excellent. Snivellus..." It was slightly disconcerting to see the look of malevolent glee that appeared on his best friends face but James brushed it aside. He was bored, and Snape had been on his nerves more than usual lately. Its time he had some fun with him.

"All right, Snivellus?" James asked loudly, making sure his voice carried to the surrounding students and especially the girls by the lake.

Snape reacted quickly but James was much faster, shouting "Expelliarmus" before he could even get his wand out of his bag. Sirius laughed behind him, continuing on with "Impedimenta!"

A group of students appeared around the three and James noticed that Lupin had hung back, seemingly focused on his exams when Prongs knew in fact, he was following the exchange quite closely. A quick glance at the lake showed that Lily was watching too, her eyes glued on the greasy hair of the measly boy in front of him. This bothered James even more.

"How'd the exam go, Snivelly?" he asked viciously, turning his voice into a nasal copy of Snape's.

"I was watching him, his nose was touching the parchment," Sirius responded right on cue. James would never tire of the perfect way they played off one another like brothers. "There'll be grease marks all over it, they wont be able to read a word."

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