Disclaimer written by Amelia Bedilia
Tuesday, November 3rd, 1979
"Honey, are you sure you're fine?"Lily patted her husband on the back, leading him to their fireplace. "Just a bit of the flu bug," she said, smiling at him and ruffling his dark hair. She threw in another log into the fireplace, basking in the warmth. "I'll call in sick, today."
"You look like you're trying to get away from me, honey," James said, as Lily nearly shoved a package of Floo Powder into his open hand. He narrowed his eyes playfully at her. "Is there another man showing up soon?"
Lily nodded, attempting to act seductive in her long, purple bathrobe and fuzzy, pink bunny slippers. "You caught me," she giggled, stretching. "The pool boy will be here in five minutes; I've got to change to look my best for him, and you're cutting into that valuable time."
James laughed, losing his solemn attitude. "We don't have a pool," he said, smirking at her. He leaned in close, breathing deeply. Hell, he thought, if I'm lucky, I could catch the flu with her and we'd both spend a "sick" day at home... "The game is up."
Lily smiled seductively, raising an eyebrow calmly. "And how do you know it's not Adette's pool boy?""Because," James answered, kissing her forehead and pulling away, "Adette's pool boy is Sirius. And he's taken. In fact," he added, leaning comfortably against the mantle, dropping the charade, "I'm not supposed to tell you until seven forty-five tonight, but Sirius is asking her to move in with him."
Lily dropped her jaw. "You're joking." She jumped up and down, shrieking for joy. "I don't believe it! I never thought Sirius would ever consider settling down at all!" She dropped her arms to her hips, acting disappointed. "There goes my pool boy..."
James laughed and kissed her once again. "Must be off..." he muttered quickly, reaching into the small bag of Floo Powder and pulling out a pinch of, what looked to be, sand.
"Wait," Lily interrupted, pressing a finger into James' chest accusingly as a minor detail dawned on her. "You couldn't tell me about Sirius' plan until seven forty-five because why?"
"He asks at eight," James explained, as if it were obvious. "He didn't want you to tell Adette until he was already about to ask."
Lily had a look of hurt on her face. "I would not have spilled the secret!" she cried, waving her hands dramatically around her head, outraged. The color in her face began flowing back up, washing away her pale skin. "I can keep secrets better than Sirius can!"
"I know that," James answered, taking her hands. He held them calmly down to her side, and motioned for her to take a deep breath. "And that is why I told you, Lily, because I trust you."
The red-head nodded slowly. She frowned. Lily dropped one of James' hands and touched her stomach, squeezing James' hand with her other hand.
"Lily?" he whispered softly, "what is it?"
Lily's eyes widened and she held a finger up to James, running to the nearest bathroom. James chased after her but immediately stopped at the sight of her bent over the toilet, hurling.
Attempting to ignore the horrid stench, James stepped inside the cozy bathroom and held back Lily's hair. "It's alright," he said calmly, relaxing himself more than his wife. I can handle Death Eaters, hideous spells, and dead bodies; what is it with vomit and me?
"Thank you, honey," Lily said softly, flushing the toilet. She grabbed a towel and wiped off her face. "I know how much you hate this...""Do you need help?" James looked concerned.
"No, no," Lily answered. She sat on the floor with her back to the wall and closed her eyes. "Everything is just a bit dizzy at the moment. I just need to sit."

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter