a stag in the wandlight

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a Siriusly Klutzy story.

Late. Why did he have to be late? What could possibly be so important to James Potter that he is late for the Prefects meeting where we introduce ourselves as Heads. The prefects and I had already been waiting there impatiently for him for about twenty minutes before he walked in out of breath and slightly sweaty. But he walked over to where I was sitting with a grin plastered on his face, all on eyes him.

"Where were you?" I asked in an annoyed whisper. "You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago!" We're supposed to set good examples for the prefects and future heads, not encourage tardiness. Everyone knew that.

"Sorry," he responded in his normal voice. "A second year couldn't get his trunk onto the train, so I offered to help."

A likely story. "And that took twenty minutes?" I asked, still whispering. The prefects were now looking at me impatiently, waiting for us to start the meeting.

"Can we talk about this later? They look like they want to get out of here," James pointed out. And he was right. There were eye rolls coming from Connie Marie and Michael, the fifth-year Ravenclaw prefects, and Judith McKay, the sixth-year Hufflepuff, looked like she was about ready to fall asleep.

I nodded and went to pull out the parchment that I took notes on this summer, reminding myself what to address during the first meeting. Some may call it over-prepared and, well, I'd agree with them. I tended to be a bit paranoid about forgetting something and then looking like a complete loon in front of a bunch of fifth and sixth years.

But before I could get the parchment out of my bag, James had stood up and cleared his throat.

"You all know why you're here, right? Because you're prefects and have to sit through one of the many times that you'll listen to Lily and I babble in front of you. I just want to get the basics down, right now. You know, patrolling schedules, main rules, privileges and such." He cleared this throat, gaining the attention of Judith McKay. "Let's start with patrolling. Right. So, there are eighteen of us over a three week schedule and we need people to do this every night. That makes only nine pairs, so every once in a while, you're going to have to double up."

By this point, I had stopped looking for my parchment, not because I couldn't find it- well, that was part of it,- but because I was in absolute shock. He had completely taken over the meeting. James Potter, the boy who was late, had taken over the meeting. I was supposed to be the responsible one. I made a list of the topics we needed to cover!

I stared up at him curiously, my mouth slightly open before I remembered to close it. He looked down to where I was in mid-rummage and grinned.

"If you have a problem with the scheduling," he continued, "just come find Lily or me and we'll try and sort it out. Basically, all you have to do is make sure that no one is out past curfew, give them detention if they're hexing someone, stuff like that. Nothing really big. Er, before you leave, right down your name next to the date you'll be patrolling, all right?" Peopled nodded.

He stopped and looked down at me. I had continued trying to find my parchment, trying to ignore the fact that James Potter had done something remotely right for a change. Which is good, because I couldn't find that stupid piece of parchment anywhere.

"Lets see," he continued. "The point system. That's a good thing to go over. You are allowed to dock points from students, however taking points from someone for tying their shoelace wrong, you cannot." He shifted from one foot to the other. In the mean time, I'd managed to find the parchment that I'd written down the house passwords on, along with the one to the prefects bathroom. "Oh, you're not allowed to dock points from other prefects, either, because back in the 1820s these two prefects got into a point-taking duel and Ravenclaw and Slytherin were both in negative points. Lots of negative points. Lets see... Oh, I hereby forbid any points to be docked from Gryffindor by any of you. That will result in detention for life." He grinned. I nudged him in the ankle. "Oh, sorry. Do you have anything you'd like to add, Lily?"

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