A front of flowers

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Disclaimer: written by @LiesMiranda

When she opened the door, all she could see was a huge bunch of flowers and a pair of legs; jeans ending in scuffed trainers.

Lily raised an eyebrow, but before she could say anything the flowers spoke. "Flowers for newly appointed head girl; Miss Lily Evans?"

The 'newly appointed head girl' rolled her eyes and leaned against the doorframe, for some reason relieved her family was out frantically shopping for table decorations; her sister Petunia having turned into the definition of Bridezilla. And for another strange reason Lily couldn't put her finger on, she decided to play along with the little charade. "May I ask who sent such flowers?"

"Why, the newly appointed head boy, of course!" said the flowers once more, before they were lowered and the grinning face of James Potter was revealed. He dropped the odd attitude and nodded at her. "Congrats."

Lily smiled, "And to you."

James' shoulders dropped, and he somehow managed to simultaneously ruffle his hair and hand over the bunch. "Yeah, well ... I uh, kind of wanted to talk to you about that."

Lily raised an eyebrow, stepping away from the doorframe and accepting the flowers - bluebells and freesias. "I'll need to put these in a vase," she said, and continued before she could over think it, "would you like to come in?"

James smiled slightly and nodded, and the redhead stepped inside, holding the door open for James' lanky frame to step past her. She tried not to focus too greatly on the fact that James Potter, of all people, was now inside her house and curiously looking around her entrance corridor. After carefully shutting the door, Lily brushed past him and led the short distance to the kitchen, where she busied herself standing on tip toes to reach a vase in the top cupboard. She brought it down precariously, motioned for James to take a seat at a stool by to the kitchen counter, cursed herself inwardly for not cleaning up from breakfast, and proceeded to fill the vase up with water from the sink.

"No Aguamenti?" an amused voice said behind her. Lily flushed slightly, turned off the tap and pulled out her wand.

"Oh yeah, right," she muttered, flicking her wand so that water poured out of it, filling the vase halfway. She bit her lip and looked over her shoulder at James, who was grinning slightly with an eyebrow raised. "I'm always going to be partially muggle," Lily explained, gesturing a little at the sink in front of her. "I still don't do all the regular household things magically."

James nodded, and smiled at her. "You live in a nice house ... it's interesting to see where Miss Evans spends her holidays."

Lily gave a small chuckle and shrugged. "It's nothing much, pretty small actually. But it's home." She dropped the flowers in the vase, and placed it on the counter in front of James before leaning on her elbows in front of him. "So, what's it you want to talk about?"

James' smile faded, and he rubbed his hand through his hair again, making it lose any semblance of tidiness. "It's just ... I can't help but wonder ... did Dumbledore make a mistake?"

Lily's eyebrows shot up, but before she could say anything James hastily continued. "It's not like I'm going to throw it away or anything ... but I'm not exactly the pick for the job, am I? I've broken pretty much every school rule at least twice, I've lost count of the amount of detentions I've had, I've never been responsible ... it just doesn't seem right. Hang on, why are you smiling?"

"I'm not," she said quickly, but the grin on her face only grew. James frowned.

"Okay, maybe I am a little, but you have to admit this is a little funny."

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