Disclaimer: written by @stop-hating-on-my-ships
WARNING: slight smut but not too much. I read over it and there's not a lot but I still need to warn you xo
When Lily was twelve years old, her father came home from work looking particularly stressed. He and her mother talked in quiet, urgent tones in the kitchen, while Lily did her homework in the living room, occasionally glancing up at them.
A week later, her father came home again with the same expression. This time, after her father and mother talked, her mother began to cry.
Two days later, Lily had packed a small suitcase, and her father drove her mother, her sister, and herself to a large house out in the country.
When her father knocked on the door, a tall man with greying hair answered the door, and rushed them inside.
Her father, mother, and the tall man all talked in hushed voices for a minute, and her mother began to cry again.
Lily's father put his hands on her shoulders, and explained that she was going to have to stay with this tall man and his family for a while. He said he didn't know how long it would be, but that it was safe for her here, and that he and her mother loved her very much.
Lily's mother hugged her, too tightly, still crying. And then her entire family drove away from her, leaving her in this strange house, with this strange man who she didn't even know.
James Potter is quite a happy young man considering. He has lots of friends, does well in school, and has money. The only problem James Potter has with his life is the redheaded girl that lived in his attic.
Well, not attic, really. It's more of a third floor.
But she's still a problem.
James has always been an only child, and is thus used to being the center of attention. But when he was twelve years old, a girl he had never met before came into his home, and his mother said that she was going to live with them, but under no circumstances was he to ever tell anyone she was there. She'd said this with such a serious expression that he couldn't help but feel frightened. So he'd promised, and stared at the little girl in his home who looked as though the entire world had been pulled out from under her feet.
Four years later, James is sixteen, and understands quite a lot more than he had when he was twelve. He knows Lily's family is Jewish, and that the government is moving Jews to internment camps. He understands that the Second World War is currently tearing up Europe. And he understands, more than ever, that he can't tell a soul about the intriguing girl hiding away in his home. Which is part of what makes her presence so annoying.
James falls back against the wet grass behind his house. Remus, Sirius, and Peter hadn't been able to come over today, so he'd gone outside to collect his thoughts. Sighing at the thought of the mud that was undoubtedly coating his back, James sits up, and begins walking toward his house.
"James, honey, do your homework!" his mother calls from the living room as he enters.
Sighing, James trudges up the stairs and into his room.
His bag is gone.
Frowning, he calls down the stairs to his mother- "MUM! HAVE YOU SEEN MY BOOKS?!"
James faintly hears his mother tell him that, no, she has not seen them, and would he please refrain from bellowing across the entire household.
After looking everywhere he thought the bag could be, a sudden idea came to James' mind.
He runs up another flight of stairs, taking them two at a time, then throws open the door to Lily's bedroom.

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter