Disclaimer: written by @Shira Lansys
How on earth had they coerced Remus into doing this? After the last time that had resulted in a month's worth of detentions for all of them, he had told them that he was never doing it again. However, against his best instincts, and due to much coaxing from the Marauders, Remus had agreed.
"Truth or dare, Evans?" Sirius asked. Even though it was seventh year and Lily was going out with his best friend, Sirius still called the red-head by her last name.
"Dare," Lily said.
Sirius' eyes flashed with triumph. "Alright then. You spin this bottle," he held out an empty bottle of butterbeer, "and whoever it points to you have to kiss."
Beside her, James let out a strangled sound of outraged. Sirius grinned at him - no one in the group could miss the fact that the dare was designed to annoy him. "Problem, James-my-boy?" Sirius asked good-naturedly.
There were nine of them sitting in the empty common room at around two in the morning - a weekend, of course. But there were advantages to the fact that the group contained both the Head Boy and Head Girl, not to mention a prefect, such as the fact that no one could tell them to go to bed.
"Yes, actually," James said angrily. "Lily's my girlfriend; she isn't kissing anyone but me."
"Well, she could still have to kiss you anyway if it stops on you," Sirius reasoned. "And it's just a game - don't get so uptight." He threw the bottle to Lily who caught it skilfully. "Spin."
She placed the bottle in the middle and gave it a quick, sharp twist. Everyone waited with baited breath as it slowly began to stop. Remus crossed his fingers, hoping it wouldn't land on him. It wasn't that he didn't like Lily, it was just that he was certain that James would castrate anyone that kissed his Lily-flower, and Remus liked everything down there just the way it was.
The bottle didn't land on him - thank Merlin. Instead, it pointed to the person opposite him - Sarah Orchids.
Everyone looked at Sirius, not sure what the ruling would be. Did Lily still have to kiss the person if they were a girl?
It seemed she did, because Sirius nodded and said, "It still counts, Evans. Off you go." James glared at Sirius helplessly. In front of Remus, Sarah gave a small shrug, which Lily seemed to take as permission because she began crawling towards the other girl.
It was just a swift peck on the lips, but that didn't stop everyone from wolf-whistling and clapping. Lily pulled back, a light blush on her cheek, and crawled back into her spot besides James. He wrapped his arms around her - it appeared he had decided that it was all Sirius' fault rather than hers, and focussed his energies on glaring daggers at the other animagus.
"Your turn, Lily."
Turning to her boyfriend, she asked him which one he'd like.
She grinned. "I dare James to kiss me."
There were a few minutes of outraged cries, as people complained that it wasn't really a dare - James kissed Lily all the time. And by all the time, they meant all the time.
But when everyone turned to Sirius, who, for some unknown reason had become truth-or-dare God he nodded and ruled it in. Smiling, James completed his dare.
Remus had a bad feeling when the dark-haired boy turned back to Sirius with an evil-looking smirk. He just knew that revenge was on the cards. Sirius, however, either didn't notice or didn't think it would be a big deal. His expression remained as carefree as ever.

Jily one shots
Fanfictionjily one shots Most of these one shots aren't mine. There might be one or two that are mine. I get the chapters from mostly FanFiction.Net, I give credits at the start of each chapter