Chapter 10

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The next day I wake up and get ready to go to school.

I'm coming and I'm happy, I like this school.

Max and Jane are waiting for me at the school entrance, I'm happy to have found friends.  We come in and while we wait for the teacher we talk about my plan, it is well designed and "thanks to the evidence" that I have I can try to make it happen.

The English lesson ends incredibly quickly, I really like our English teacher, she is young and she explains in a very simple and understandable way - it will be because I am a foreigner and she is trying to make me understand what she is saying but I am fine with it-.

We go to the school canteen, I have always been one with eyes bigger than my stomach but I like to eat and I don't dislike any type of food, not even vegetables, (in Italy my classmates used to tease me because I liked vegetables  but I don't think there is even a need to rethink an absurdity like this).  It is the first time that I eat here and I want to understand how canteen food works here.  It's all splendidly good but I'm the only one who thinks so (Max and Jane look at me badly seeing me eat so tastefully).  We get up to rest a moment before the afternoon lessons, and that's where I see it.

Martin is seated at a table with his two friends, his girlfriend and two other girls, probably friends of hers.  It's time to get my plan going.

The first "phase" is to get noticed, practically I have to work hard to make sure that I am like his girlfriend, and then show me what I really am, since he saw me for the first time with his suit and hair  collected.  But I have to get noticed, at least by his friends who seem to me more frivolous than he, I have to dress like Martin's girlfriend and her friends.

Well, after class I need Max and Jane in my house to "change".  Jane because she dresses well and I found out that she is aware of the latest fashions since she would like to become a stylist (I have seen some of her models, they are very beautiful, she has talent) and Max because, well Max is a boy and knows what boys like in  girls.

Now is the time to really get the plan started.

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Hi everyone, here is the tenth chapter.

Hope you like it,


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