Chapter 51

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I still don't believe it.  I am going down the stairs to see the first of my first film, what a strange word game "the first of the first", and I am with my boyfriend, actor, my two best friends and my family.  For the occasion I put on the necklace that my dad had given me for my seventh birthday, just before he died, it is beautiful, it is made of diamonds and has a long pendant that when I was a wren came to my feet, as a child  I used to play, I didn't understand that diamonds meant ten thousand euros out of the family pockets, yet my dad had also told me, I still have the words he said when he gave it to me: "Claudia, this is my gift, keep it well, it's very expensive but I bought it gladly. Wear it when you have important occasions to go. "  These are his words, then he kissed me on the forehead and hugged me.

This is the important occasion that necklace has been waiting for all my life and, moreover, if I wear it, it is as if he too was here with me.

As I go down the stairs I stop to look at Martin, he is so elegant and beautiful, he has a small package in his hand and his eyes are shiny, he lowers his eyes when he meets my gaze, he is so beautiful when he is shy.

We walk towards Martin's limousine, it is huge and also has a small fridge bar inside but along the driveway he takes me by the arm and blocks me.

"Claudia, before we go to the car I want to give you this."  And I extend the package.

"Martin, but why did you do it? You don't have to take anything from me. But I'm curious you know, what is it?"  I chuckle as I take the package from his hands.  As soon as I open it I am breathless, it is a necklace with a blue sapphire in the middle.

"Martin, but how did you know that I would have dressed like this? It's perfect, it fits perfectly with my dress"

"I didn't know how you would get dressed I would have given it to you in any case. This necklace is extremely important to me, it is the gift that my father gave to my mother when I was born, it is the only memory  I have material from her, all the other gifts my father gave them to Laura and if I hadn't hidden it in time this would have gone to her too "

I don't know what to say so I sketch two, three words "Why are you giving me something so important to you?"

"Because no other person could wear this necklace, only you. My mom would be proud if you brought it but I guess from up there she is seeing it and she is proud and then, you said it too that fits perfectly with your dress"  he laughs, he is really stupid but also extremely sweet.

Suddenly I kiss him and there I understand that I was really lucky to have met him.


Hi guys, here's chapter 51.

It is a little more mushy than usual but I like how it turned out.

What do you think?  You like it?


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