Chapter 4

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I woke up and felt nothing but pain. My body was beyond sore and aching. I wanted to roll back over and go back to bed. The bed they gave me was the softest bed I had ever felt in my life, it was like sleeping on a cloud. I was so confused on what I was doing here, I felt as if I was a prisoner yet, they gave me a room fit for a king.

I shoved the blankets back and got out of bed wanting to shower before getting dressed. I washed off the excess blood that had crusted over while under the warm water. The bathroom was just as I expected based on the rest of the quarters. The shower was huge, there was a massive sink, and even a bath that I definitely wanted to take advantage of another day. If I had another day.

I dried off and went over to the closet and found the clothes that had been set out for me. They were all black and frankly too tight for my liking, but it felt good once I had it on. I tied up my shoes and went into the main area of my quarters. I didn't know what to do but, I just sat down and waited for whatever was next.

I was scared. I wanted to run away and hide, but at the same time I was ready to fight whatever was coming at me. If I was going to die here I wouldn't do it without a fight. I at least needed to try and get out of here, whatever this strange ship was. I just prayed Percy wasn't here, I prayed he was able to get away because I knew he couldn't handle this.

Before I could even finish my thoughts my door slid open and I was met with the dark figure that was Kylo Ren.

"Come." He said and I rose to my feet and followed him as he strut down the hallway.

I kept my mouth shut for once because I didn't feel scared at the moment. He didn't seem angry or upset just flat. I didn't want to aggravate him anymore, I was just hoping that maybe if I kept to myself and didn't fight so hard against him he'd be calmer. Frankly my body couldn't take another hit like yesterday.

He walked down another hall and we lead into a separate room. I was thankful it wasn't a room like yesterday, but once I walked in my opinion changed. There was weapons hung along the wall, armor plates displayed like art, and art work of battles and generals hung around it all. It looked like an actual torture chamber.

There was another man already in this room. He wore dark clothes and was fashioned with pins that I'm sure, meant he was of importance. His red hair was cut short but held a similar shade to my own. He looked at me and he didn't look as angry as I would have thought, he looked more curious than anything.

"What's going on?" I asked softly not trying to upset him, but rather ease my nerves.

"An evaluation." Kylo Ren said flatly.

"For what?" I asked and he turned to face me.

"You sound scared." He said referring to my quiet voice. Yesterday I don't think I did anything more than yell and scream so hearing my sheepish voice definitely signaled something in his head. I decided to not reply because I didn't want to admit it, but I was. I was scared to be so aggressive like I had been yesterday because he might put me through it again. "Not today."

I was caught of guard by his response. I was fully expecting him to start up where we left of yesterday. Granted I didn't really have anything to tell him but, I didn't give him much of anything he asked for yesterday.

"Sit down." The red haired man said. He pointed to a stool next to a metal table. It was next to a shelf of blasters and small knives. I didn't want to be anywhere near them, but I didn't dare refuse to comply.

I sat and kept my ankles crossed and my arms tight by my side. The two of them came next to me and I couldn't not have felt anymore scared. The red haired man didn't seem scary, but I didn't want to find out.

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