Chapter 48

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I was taken to a large room by the girl Fransisco called Idris. She didn't speak, but any time she'd look back to me she'd flash me a small smile. I didn't return the gesture because I was just uncomfortable. I didn't know this place nor did I want to be staying here in the first place. I should be with them helping, but in a sudden fly decision I needed to be here so they could do what they needed to do.

I hated leaving Kylo and Percy. I was already worried sick and they probably hadn't even taken off yet. But the fact that when they did I was left useless as I sat here in some rich mans mansion. I wanted to be helping them, but this was how I could help them the most.

She opened a door to a master bedroom that looked large enough to land a small aircraft on it. The girl gestured for me to enter and I did. I looked around the room and saw drapes hanging from the ceiling. It was almost disgustingly rich.

"He really doesn't know subtle does he." I half muttered to myself.

"Fransisco definitely likes to impress." The girl said sheepishly. "Shall I run you a bath?"

"I can do it myself." I said awkwardly because I'd never had anyone offer to just do things for me. Maybe a droid, but not an actual person. It just felt wrong.

"Oh no, I insist." She said chirpily.

She walked to the bathroom which was off the side of the bedroom. I sighed and followed her. She leant over the bath and poured in various liquids that made the water bubble as it poured loudly.

She reached into the basket adjacent the tub and took out a handful of rose petals. She threw them into the bath and they floated on top. I looked to her and her face was calm and pleasant.

"That's really not necessary." I said from behind her.

"Of course it is." She said softly. "It's up to temperature, I'll grab you some towels and robes while you get it."

"A towel should be fine. You really don't have to do all of this." I said looking at her.

"I'd like to." She said in a soft tone.

I didn't say anything else I just waited for her to leave. Once she closed the door I stripped down and slipped into the tub. I was instantly hit with the smell of all the soaps and oils she had put in. As much as I wanted to be annoyed by it, the bath was really nice.

I sunk down into the warm water and I instantly became aware of the copious amounts of sand that covered my body. I tried to scrub it all off and eventually I did. I was extremely filthy after Jakku. We didn't have the privilege of showers and cleanliness. There was showers on the ship, but I was too tired to even bother with it. I just wasn't occupied by it.

I was fully submerged when she entered the room again and I was thankful the bubbles were thick enough to cover the top layer of water so I wasn't exposed. She turned off my water which was reaching the top of the tub. She has set down some white towels on the counter and a red robe next to it.

"Whenever you're done my lady I'll be in the bedroom to help you get into bed." She said gently.

"I really don't need help, I've got it from here. You don't have to cater to me like this, it's really not necessary. You've already done plenty." I said looking to her. She flattened out the front of her dress and stood up taller than before.

"Francisco would want me to assure you get to bed most comfortably... I'm sure you understand." She said nervously.

"I get it." I said quietly. I noticed a light coming from her necklace. It was a green light that pulsed a few times but she didn't seem to be aware of it. "What's with your necklace?"

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