Chapter 22

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Training was exactly what I thought it was going to be. It was a lot of hand to hand combat with him trying to teach me how to use my powers in the middle of fighting. I was struggling on using both at the same time, but I was at least good at using them separately.

I just couldn't find a way to think about both at the same time. It's like my brain couldn't focus on both. My failure only frustrated him further. He had no patience for me and would make try again and again with no prevail.

By the end of the day I was on the floor barley able to breath. I had torn up my skin raw from everytime I was set flying into the ground. My elbows, knees, hands, and even my shoulders were filled with a stinging pain and grit from the concrete floor.

"You have to do better." He said flatly turning away from me.

I pushed to sit up and look at him as I tried to wipe off as much dirt as I could from my hands. I didn't reply, I was in no place to talk back. I was exhausted and beaten down, I couldn't fight any harder. After a moment he snapped back to look at me.

"What you've decided to not talk now?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said shrugging. I got to my feet and picked up my weapon from the ground. It had been shut off and I ignited it because I knew he would just tell me to get up and try again.

"Talk to me." He said. He turned off my weapon, but I didn't speak. "What are you feeling?"

"I'm frustrated." I said obviously frustrated.

"Not good enough, your fighting the frustration. Let it turn to anger, let it boil inside of you and fuel you." He said angrily.

"I don't want it to." I said shaking my head. "I'm not angry like you, I don't work like that."

"You know your powers, the one we can't explain." He started. "They come from your emotions whether you like it or not."

"How do you know that?" I asked frankly not believing him.

"I can sense it, that why it only happens when you're scared." He said.

"I don't believe that." I said crossing my arms.

"You will." He said. "We're done, come."

He turned instantly and started heading towards the exit of the room. I stood there confused in the fighting area as he walked off.

"I thought we still had more to do." I stated and he stopped in the door frame.

"No, we technically finished an hour ago, it's late." He said. "Come."

I saved myself the effort and put my lightsaber away on my belt. I stepped down off of the platform and stomped towards him. I walked past him and through the door. The sounds of his boots hitting the floor signaled that he was following me. I was barley halfway down the hall before he had a hand on the small of my back. He was gripping onto my belt and holding me back from walking past him.

"Not so fast." He said in a low tone.

"I just want to go shower." I said slowing down my pace.

"Oh you will." He said and I felt a sick feeling in my stomach as soon as he said that.

We pushed forward through the halls walking past people who didn't pay much mind. We would get an occasional nod and small acknowledgment, but we easily walked back to the rooms. I started to turn to go to my room, but I felt a pull on my belt.

"No." He simply stated and I was pushed forward. He pushed me into his room suddenly. The lights were off and I could barley see anything, it was like a cave.

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