Chapter 30

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I woke to every inch of my body aching in pain. It was an unfortunately a familiar feeling, but it never got easier. I tried to open my eyes, but the room I was in was pretty dark. I could see I was in a hospital bed hooked up to machines. I was covered in blankets and sheets so I was at least comfortable in this cold room.

I sat up and I felt a remote in my hand. I couldn't see much, but there was a big red button on it and I pressed it hoping someone would come in. I needed to know if Percy was okay. I needed to know what happened. Moments passed and nobody came so I pressed another button unable to read what each one was.

Eventually someone came in. The nurse checked me over and turned on a light which I didn't quite appreciate. It caused my eyes to burn and my head to hurt even more. I was connected to bag of blood and she informed I had lost way too much blood during the crash. She was able to tell me that Percy was alive, but he was in a similar state as me.

He woke up much sooner than I had, but I had taken most of the damage. I could assume I got the worst of the crash since I was closer to the front glass. She redressed my bandages and I was able to see the deep gashes I had earned. The worst one was on my waist and ribs. I had broke most of my rib cage on the right side, but I couldn't feel much due to all of the drugs they had me on.

"There's not much else we can do for the moment but let you rest." She said and before I could reply and thank her Kylo came barging into the room.

"Leave us." He demanded and she quickly left the room. My eyes shot back to him, but he was almost at my side taking my hand.

"What happened?" He asked me frantically.

"I don't know. The ship started getting attacked and we had to evacuate." I said not knowing what else to say.

"How did you get away? How did you get a ship?" He asked me.

"Percy." I said having a sudden idea. "He flew us here."

"Percy?" He asked clearly shocked. I knew it wasn't the truth, but maybe Kylo would give him some more freedom if he knew he saved me.

"Yes, he convinced me to get in the escape pod to get away and find help." I explained.

"He didn't flee?" He asked.

"No he saved both us." I said hoping he was believing me.

"Nobody survived that attack except you two." He said looking down at me. I looked horrible and my body was bruised and battered.

"It was the Resistance." I said seriously.

"I could figure that much." He said shaking his head. "You're not leaving my side again. I can't risk you like that."

"It's not like you knew that would happen." I said shaking my head. "I'm just thankful Percy was there. I wouldn't have found those ships if it wasn't for him."

"I don't understand why he didn't run." He said.

"He may not be loyal to you, but he's loyal to me." I said softly. "You should give him a chance. He could be of use to you."

"Astra we can't do that." He said softly.

"He proved himself. He's been kept prisoner since the same day you took me on Kashyyyk. He has powers that are just like-"

"He doesn't have powers just like you." He said strongly. "We're not going to argue right now. You need to rest."

"Are we still on Coruscant?" I asked with a huff not wanting to fight either.

"No you left Coruscant days ago. We're at the new base." He said. "How are you feeling?"

"Like I don't want to move." I said with a sigh. "My body hurts."

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