Chapter 36

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I was in a meditative state for quite some time. I felt completely relaxed and in tune with myself and the force. Each breath filled my lungs with what seemed like fresh air. I felt stronger and prepared as much as I could be after just one short day.

I slowly came to and lowered myself to the floor. My vision took a second to clear up, but I opened my eyes to the window I was standing in front of. I could see the stars and galaxy that was in front of the base. Ships flew by and the planets turned but other than that, the window looked exactly the same as when I started meditating.

I loosened up my neck and decided I should eat dinner. I turned to the kitchen, but a figure on the couch caught my eyes. I stood there holding eye contact with Kylo who was sitting casually and in a T-shirt and pair of joggers.

"Hi." He said softly. I felt my hands start to sweat at my sides. I almost formed them to fists, but I didn't let them.

"Hi." I said in a short voice.

I broke the eye contact and lowered my eyes. I walked past him quickly and into the kitchen. I went to the cabinets and grabbed something small to eat. I closed the cabinet door and I caught sight of him standing beside me.

"Where have you been all day?" He asked in a calm voice. I looked to him and I was unsure if he was just asking or if he was upset I hadn't told him where I was going.

"I wanted to train." I said. "I was in the training room all morning."

"How did that go?" He asked leaning on the counter while facing me.

"Good." I said knowing I sounded and looked timid. He nodded but looked unsure of what to say and that left us hanging in awkward silence.

"I'm sorry." He said pressing his lips together as he looked uncomfortable.

I guess I hadn't thought about it, but he wasn't really one for apologizing. I don't think I could recall if he'd ever apologized for anything before. I turned to face him and stood up straight and kept my eyes on him.

"I know." I said softly.

I wasn't angry, I wouldn't even want to stay angry at this point. We were about to go on a very serious and important mission, I couldn't afford to be upset over hurt feelings. I was upset at first, but I had to realize Kylo was in charge of an army. He trained me for things exactly like this. I guess I just hadn't expected it come so soon.

I stepped forward towards him and pressed up on my toes. I placed a hand on his chest and leaned into him. I pressed my lips into his and he didn't move for a moment. His hand placed itself on my hip as his lips pressed into mine.

I pulled back and his face looked confused. I grabbed the bar I pulled out of the cabinet and walked to the living room. I saw down on the couch and he just watched me. I opened the food and started to eat and after a moment he sat down next to me.

"Did I miss something?" He asked looking at me.

I shook my head putting down the wrapper from my food. He looked at me and he was very confused. I reached forwards and pulled his face in towards mine. I kissed him and his hand rested on my thigh. His fingers tightened around my leg and I couldn't help but feel a tension I wanted to satisfy.

I voluntarily climbed onto of his lap and straddled him. His hands didn't take long to pull at my hips. I kissed him more aggressively than I typically ever did. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer to me. His hands grabbed my butt firmly and grinding me against him.

"Astra you need to stop." He whimpered. "I won't be able to control myself."

I pulled back for a moment to look at him. My hands were in his hair and my other hand was on his collar bone. My legs were straddling his waist and my legs were tucked behind me on his legs. His lips were red and parted as he looked up at me.

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