Chapter 32

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He entered the room about 5 minute later looking very stolid. I couldn't read his emotions and I was almost scared to ask what had happened. He came into the room and took off his cloak. He walked past me without a word over to the dresser.

"Kylo." I said in a small voice.

"I know." He replied sounding irritated.

"What happened?" I asked worriedly.

"We were training." He said shortly.

"And?" I asked knowing that wasn't all he needed to be telling me.

"He tried to kill me." He said flatly.

"He what?" I asked appalled.

"He tried to attack me during our session today." He said. "We were practicing mind tricks and he turned against me."

"You should have to let me talk to him." I said frantically stepping towards him.

"Not happening, not anymore. He's extremely violent and you're already injured." He said adamantly.

"He's my best friend Kylo he wouldn't hurt me." I said yelling.

"He threatened to." He said flatly.

"That's not true." I said shaking my head.

"Come." He said holding his hand out to me.

I stepped forward and took his hand and my mind was pulled from my own and I was seeing things through Kylo's eyes. He was looking at Percy and I could feel the pressure in his mind as he took control of Percy's. His eyes flickered as he struggled to focus and before I knew it I heard a loud shriek.

Kylo opened his eyes and Percy has launched forward with a dagger. Kylo shoved him to the side, but not before the knife came across his face just missing his actual eye itself. Percy rolled to the floor and Kylo ignited his lightsaber.

"What are you doing?" Kylo roared. He reached out and pulled the dagger from Percy's hand and it flew across the room and into Kylo's palm.

"I won't stay here, I won't be a prisoner like her." He screamed and I had never seen Percy with such a wild look in his eyes. He was angry and breathing so heavily it just wasn't like him.

"You'd still be in the prison cell if it wasn't for me." He shouted back at him. "I'm giving you a chance to become strong, are you blind?"

"I won't work for you, I'm not going to fall for you the same way she did." He screamed scrambling to his feet.

"She hasn't fallen for anything, that's why she is in the position that she is. I'm trying to help you both, we can win this war. We can put an end to this Percy, you need to calm down before you make a choice you'll regret." He warned him.

"I don't care about this war, I don't care about you." He screamed.

"Then what do you care about?" He asked putting his dagger in his waist.

"Being free. I want my life back. I've been nothing but a pawn in this war and I want out." He shouted.

"Astra and I need you." He said calmly and Percy just shook his head.

"No, you don't." Percy replied. "You've got her brainwashed, she's as good as dead to me. She's not the same person, not anymore."

"She's not brainwashed. She's stronger than she's ever been before. I want the same for you, but if you're going to fight me then you leave me no choice." Kylo said cautiously.

"I just want to be free." He said. "I want my live back."

"You know that can't happen. If I let you go the Resistance will find you." Kylo said. "You know you'd rather be here than back there. I know what they did to you."

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