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Nana's POV

Three years...It's been three years already. Three years ago I found out the truth about my parents. I met a guy that seemed to be the most annoying person in the world but it turned out he was just a prefect match for me. It's been three years since I finished school.

And a lot of has changed...

Qinjia became a great MC. Everyone loves her. She is just too cute not to be loved. My bestie lives with Zhengting and they are already engaged. I just can't wait to be the bridesmaid. I will be the best one in the whole world.

Justin...och Justin...nothing has changed when it comes to him. He's still practising because that is the only thing he's capable of. And he's still an annoying little brat.

Chengcheng found a beautiful women his pure heart deserves. He was awful that is true but what can I say...people change and he did for better. So he decided to have a peaceful life with his pretty woman who is so cute by the way. I'm happy for him.

Yanjun and Ziyi are still close to Xukun. We have become really close friends and I must say they actually haven't changed even a bit. Yanjun is still...Yanjun and Ziyi is still...Ziyi. What makes them the weirdest trio you have ever seen.

Milan and Xinchun became famous actors and one of the most popular couple. It's hard to believe that they fight almost everyday yet they're still together. Scenes of jealously are a daily routine to them since Milan has a lot of male funs while Xinchun a lot of female's.

I decided not to pursue my career. Being famous isn't really my type of a thing. I realised being really popular comes with many consequences I don't want to deal with, so I decided to stay in a shadow of the famous musicians as their choreographer and music producer. I'm not in the foreground but still I get a lot of credits for my job. Sometimes even some awards and I'm completely satisfied with that. Besides my schedule is not strict and tight so I can spend more time with Xukun then if I would be an idol. I guess...he is more important to me than that. But it doesn't mean he loves me less. He was considering this option too but I couldn't let him do that. He just loved it too much and I didn't want to be his obstacle. He didn't stand in my way. Even if he hadn't appeard in my life I would have made the same decision.

Xukun maybe isn't the most popular man in the world but that is not what he cares about. He just wants to share his passion for music with the ones who are willing to listen. Also, I am the one who's helping him. Just like the old days...

We decided to keep our relationship secret thinking that it would help us somehow. We're not critisiced by his jealous crazy fans and he has plenty of them. These girls are still yound so we decided to wait for the right moment but I have to admit I sometimes get jealous because of his behaviour when it comes to funs. I know he can't show anyone that he may be in a realtionship and he tells me that it's just a part of his job but I think he likes the the attetion they give him. Their love for him which is caused by the perfect image they made inside their heads. They don't really love the Xukun I know.

And I have to admit our relationship isn't perfect but no one said it has to be. Love isn't perfect. We fight, we're jealous sometimes, we make up. We have ups and downs...but lately mostly downs...

Today he comes back from the concert tour. It wasn't a big's been only a month since I saw him last. Actually for me it's like forever...I miss him so much. The only thing I can think about now is his strong warm embrance. This soft lips placed on mine in a gentle happy kiss. His hands running through my hair as he inhales their scent. The sound of his heart beating inside his chest as if it's going to explode any moment.

Unfortunately all of this will have to wait...if it's going to ever happen again.

I've just fought with him again. I know it's quite normal but this time it was something more. I hate arguing through the phone but we didn't have other option. Besides it's not like we planed it. It just happened suddenly...

The days of his arrivals are always the longest as if God wanted to make it harder for me. Something like "You're lucky enough to have him so you can wait a bit longer, can't you? You love him so you can." But today I don't think I'll be lucky...

"Just chill and watch the show. He'll be back soon and then you'll talk and everything will be okay again. Focus on something else and the time will go faster," says Qinjia putting a bowl of popcorn in front of me while on the TV appears smiling Qinjia announcing her show.

She heard everything...almost. She heard the things I was saying.

"But Qinjia...I asked him such a question and then he just I don't know there were strange noises and he rang off-"

"And will you gain something now? You have to talk it out with him but I doubt this is the end of your relationship. You have to clean your mind and relax so just let's watch this great show," Qinjia cuts me off and I sigh. She would be right if not the fact that it has been going on for some time now. But I don't want to tell her yet. I don't know how to let it out. I don't want to talk about it. It's just too hard to think how many beautiful moments we had together and how everything that we had built is collapsing. I just can't force myself to say it out loud. It would make it more true...even though in reality it doesn't change a thing.

"I would say it's a bit too much to watch yourself on a TV as if we were watching a movie with Brad Pitt but I would do the same if I were you so I quess I can't complain," I state taking one fist of popcorn and putting it into my mouth tasting the salty scent on my tounge. I guess I really have to clean my mind somehow.

"That's why we're best friends..." the blonde girl decleares and we just lose ourselfs in watching. I have to admit...Qinjia is good at her job and she really takes it all seriously. She always prepares herself well as if she was going to write her final exams. But it's fun for her...and that is beautiful.

Suddenly her phone goes off and she quickly picks it up.

"Yes, dad?" she says with a smiling face but soon the happiness disappears. In a blink of an eye her breaths are getting faster and I have no idea what to do so I just sit impatiently for her to end the conversation.

"But please inform Ziyi...I can't do this on my own....I will...It will be hard but I have to. Someone has to...okay okay...I'll be there...I'll be careful...of course....bye," she ends the call and I stare at her waiting for the explanation.

She signs deeply trying to fight her tears that runs down her cheeks.

"Oh no...Qinjia what happened?"

"My a call from a hospital," she manages to say and I can do nothing but hug her tight.

"Something happened to your mother...or Chengcheng? Don't worry they will all be alright," I try to make her feel better even thought I am not sure what is going on exactly.

"'s not about's about Xukun," she utters and my arms drop. I slowly back away as I can't feel my heart beating. It's getting hard to breathe as if someone was choking me. Hot tears come up to my eyes threatening to fall. "Xukun had an accident on his way back, he's being treated at the hospital-"

"But he's alive?! He will be alright?!" I cut her off and she just puts her hands on mine. I haven't even realised when I caught her shoulders gripping them tightly.

"They don't know but we have to calm down first and-"

"Go to the hospital! Right now! Qinjia come on!"

"Okay...but I am driving."

"That's me" // Xukun's FFWhere stories live. Discover now