Chapter 22

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Ziyi's POV

I walk out of my boss office. I have just hand in the documents Mr. Choi asked me to find and now I'm free to go. Even though I'm not really pleased with Yanjun's idea. I can't believe he even took a day of saying he's sick just to follow Xukun and Nana around. I wasn't even listening carefully when he was explaining his plan. I don't think he has any exact plan. I sometimes wonder if he is going to grow up. Or maybe isit me who grew up too fast?

Qinjia is also going to come however probably just like me she will be watching Yanjun so he won't do anything stupid. I just have a bad feeling that whatever he planned won't go well and will even make the whole situation worse. I don't think we should interfere in Nana's and Xukun's private matters. I know Yanjun just wants to help. I can't watch Nana being hurt too however I'm not sure if following her around is going to help. Beside there are so many things on my mind lately. I can't get Mina out of my head. I mean not her as a woman but her as a person who has been acting strange.

First the situation with the homeless guy. She told him she would come back and then few days later he magically appeared in the company. What a coincidence that right after Mina met him she complained about dirty floor and demanded to hire a new cleaner. And then the way she sang back then. The way she reacted when she realised I had been watching all along. As if I broke into her small world that no one should haver ever seen. As if for a moment she took off the mask showing her true self. I have never been so confused about anyone. It's like two personalities in one person.

"How many times did I tell you that you have to practise with your group? You won't be famous if you sing playing on your piano some depressing songs about some inner feelings and all this serious staff. People want cute pretty girls in short skirts. And that's who you are. All you need is your face. Songs doesn't matter as long as it sounds cute. You will be famous and loved by all those guys out there. You will be the most popular member among your group. That's all you need. You will have everything you want. You will be happy. Trust your mother, Mina. It's for your own good understand it finally!" a harsh voice says making me stop in my tracks and listen more. I know it's rude however hearing Mina's name my legs froze.

I can't believe. How a mother can say something like that to a daughter? I would think that Mina is just like her mother but now that I have a picture of her singing slow beautiful song with pleasure and peace written all over her face I realise some things.


"No buts, my dear. You're making your old mother sad and disappointed. Make me proud, Mina. If you do that, Dad will love you even more. He will forget of this second brat...what was that whore name? Ahh...Nana. What a stupid name. Her mother was probably more pathetic than her. See, her mother was who? No one. Some homeless whore and her daughter didn't have a courage nor talent to debut. To be famous. But you have it. So work more. And eat only healthy food. Look at you. You gained weight again. You have to be skinny so people will love you. The less the better. Skip some meals if necessary. And now go to your group and practise. I'm going shopping, my dear. Love you, bye," Mrs. Choi says and suddenly doors in front of me open. It blocks my vision so I don't see the woman walking away and she can't see me observing.

I stand in one place in utter shock. Indeed I know the story of Nana's mother and Mr. Choi and I know he was forced to marry Mina's mother. Before he ran away she made sure she got pregnant. But Mr. Choi loved Mina. He still does. Even though he is hardly ever home because of work. But he keeps himself busy so he doesn't have to come back home to his wife and he can stop thinking about Nana's mother. The woman she truly loved but lost. Forever. Fate can be really cruel sometimes. At least Mr. Fan's parents weren't that extreme and in the end he married the woman he loved. Mr. Choi didn't have as much luck.

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