Chapter 9

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Nana's POV

"YANJUN!" I say as I walk into his house angrily. I should have checked what they packed for Xukun before they left it at his room. This sneaky bastard. I swear I'll choke him to death. My heels hit the floor making loud sound that echoes through the whole house. "Come out, Yanjun. I won't torture you, I'll just kill you, right away!" I state ominously but the boy seems to be hiding well.

"Nana?" I hear someone on the stairs and I rush to the source of the sound. I met with Ziyi who wears a black suit with a white shirt underneath. I must tell he knows how to wear suits. Ziyi is such a handsome guy and sometimes I wonder why he haven't found a girlfriend yet. When I used to walk with the boys I've always seen some girls following him with their eyes trying to look as good as it's possible. However Ziyi didn't seem to notice or just decide to ignore as if it hadn't affect him at all. "Yanjun had to take Xue to her mother because she felt sick and Xue has to take care of her. So she won't be home for some time that's why Yanjun decided to take her 'not to miss her so much' and this kind of stuff. It's almost and hour from here but he should be here in a few." The boy adds.

"Did you know about it?" I ask directly but his confused eyes tell me that he is not aware of anything.

"Nana? What are you doing here? Shouldn't we be in Fan's house in a few. I don't want to be late for the party," the voice behind me declares and I turn around furious.

"YOU!" I shout and he looks at Ziyi terrified. "How could you do this?" I ask waiting for a good explanation I know I won't get.

"So you found out, huh?" Yanjun says smiling awkwardly backing away. "Let's talk it out...I wanted to tell you-"

"When?!" I cut him off. "Did you really think I wouldn't find out that my mothers songs are missing from my drawer? Maybe Xukun lost his memory but that doesn't mean I got dumb or something. I should have packed all those things myself."

"Yanjun you did what?" Ziyi asks shocked. I guess he wouldn't expect him to do so. Yet our Yanjun is full of surprises...the bad thing is that you never know if the surprise will be a good or a disappointing one.

I sit down on a couch signing deeply. It's not the fact that Xukun might find something in them. Maybe he can just remember something but I don't think he will recall everything just because of some pieces of paper. But now I don't even know when will I get it back. It is a part of my mother. Thanks to this and the diary I could feel closer to them. I could take inspiration from what she wrote.

"Look, okay maybe I shouldn't have done that, but look. It's like the old was his mother who gave it to him and then he gave it to you...maybe something will trigger his mind and who knows maybe he will look for you again," Yanjun explains and I rub my temples with my fingers. I think my head starts to hurt because of the stress.

"Yanjun, what are you playing at? Do you play god or something? Oh man..." I trail off shaking my head. "Good think you deleted our photos from his laptop. It's a lot worse," I add.

I look at the boys while they stare at each other panicked. Oh no...

"You seriously didn't do it?!" I ask in disbelief. I'm so srewed...

"We forgot about like really...we haven't thought of it-"

"How could you not think of it?!" I cut Yanjun off once again. "It's quite obvious that our photos would be there. Don't you keep your girlfriends photos on your phone or computer?"

"I-I...I do," he utters.


"Wait...there's a chance he still haven't used it. He would have probably called us if he had seen your photos together. So...we have to delete them today," Ziyi suddenly says and we just look at him letting him continue. " on this party you have to sneak into his room and delete everything."

"That's me" // Xukun's FFWhere stories live. Discover now