Chapter 10

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Xukun's POV

"You alright?" Nana asks me standing next to me. I don't know when she came up to my side but I don't think her presence somehow helps. Actually the other way around. Staring into her eyes is like being lured into a trap. At first you just see something that is nice to watch then you want to look more and more and suddenly you realise there is no way back. You can't advert your gaze. You are forced to keep looking. You don't have a choice while inside you the war is under way. You know you should stop but the truth is you don't really want to.

"Xukun...can you hear me?" she asks and I take a big breath and straighten myself up.

"Of course I do, baby girl," I answer as I finally get a grip of myself somehow sending her a cocky smile. I watch as the girl rolls her eyes as if she regrets worrying about me.

Who are you really, Nana?

I don't really know what to think about it all. On the one hand I feel like teasing her but on the other hand there are moments that I just forget how to breathe near her. Pictures of her appears randomly in my mind even thought I don't even try to remember her. I don't know if I can trust her...but I feel a strong need to be around her although I don't want to feel like that. It's so wrong and so right at the same time.

"We're here!" I hear an unfamiliar voice.

"Zhengting!" Qinjia screams while Nana shakes her head chuckling. My step sister runs up to the tall guy with brown hair and a really friendly face. He hugs her tightly kissing her forehead.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier with you and help you but-"

"Don't worry, I know," she cuts him off not letting him go.

There is also my brother Chengcheng with a girl. I don't remember her at all. I can't even picture any memory with her. He holds her hand tightly as if he was afriad that someone is going to steal her from him. He smiles weakly and comes to greet us.

"Hi Xukun, it's...nice to see you again," Cheng says while his girlfriend hugs with Nana. They're totally different. Nana is gentle and fierce at the same time. Clear strong confidence emites from her. She's like a sun while Cheng's girlfriend is like a moon. She is quite pretty, cute and gentle but somehow closed in herself.

"And this is my girlfriend, Xiao," he introduces her and she bows lightly not daring to look into my eyes. I don't know if she is shy or just afraid of me but that means we were never close anyway.

"NANA! I haven't seen you in so long!" shouts another familiar voice and we all look at the source of the sound. A tall blonde boy with a playful face and an evil smile runs up to Nana. She rolls her eyes and stand still while this guy hugs her tightly as if he wanted to choke her.

"What are you talking about? You saw me, I don't know, few days ago at the company? You know I still work there, Justin..." Nana responds sassily while the boy embrace her from the side.

"Ohh tell me~ what do you do to look so good?"

"I won't tell you this secret, you have to find out on your own."

"But you know...I'm Nana's brother and I can tell you anything you want. Like really I live with her so there's no one that knows her better than me."

"For example...what can you tell me?"

"You know for example...she likes he's been her crush since they're first met. I mean...that what she wrote in her diary."

"That's me" // Xukun's FFWhere stories live. Discover now