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Once upon a time....

When trees grew wild everywhere and creatures we thought myth were actually quite common. Estria. The kingdom of kingdoms. A place of myths come to life, a place of magic and power, a place where kings and queens rule the lands. Maybe a little too magical for those who fear it. Or maybe you're the type who wants to learn more about and how to use it. Down a dirt road a royal carriage carried a king and his eldest son, while his youngest walked by the guards wanting to be free of the prison like room being dragged by horses. He was the type who didn't care about magic or power or anything relating that subject really. He just wanted to be free from the palace his family called home. He was quite bored as always while his father and brother played chess in the carriage. He continued to walk until he stumbled a little over a rock, not catching the attention of anyone. He smirked to himself. He was always silent and obedient, so no one ever suspected him, which gave him the freedom to do what he wanted.. And when he heard quiet yelling from a far he decided what he wanted to do before speeding off. You see. He was one of those creatures of myth. A vampire. And he sped until he was in sight of the yelling.

Drita was only a little girl. 5 to be exact. She had went to the market to get food as she usually did around lunch, but this time was different, this time she got caught. At the moment she had three big men and a woman with a broom yelling at her. The woman even hit her with the broom a couple times. She held back her tears though, she wouldn't let them see her fear, they didn't deserve her tears. So she stayed quiet and looked out over the pond, ignoring them while hiding the loaf of bread under her shirt knowing full well they already knew about it. She breathed in out to keep her temper at bay, but the little growls that escaped only made them fear her and start yelling more. She had her ears pinned back as their voices stung her eardrums. Then she snapped back at them.

"Stop yelling! You don't let me come up to you and pay! Just because you won't let me doesn't mean I can go without food! You know! Just like all man kind in this village! I might be different but I still need food!" She growled, masking her wince and pain behind a threatening hiss.

They feared her now as the light specks of silver in her cerulean cat eyes sparked in warning. Yet the young prince saw something hiding behind the look. Something like sadness, or possibly even fear. He shook his head in disapproval at the adults. He didn't know what she was. She had black cat ears and tail both tipped white while also having fangs with another smaller set behind them. Her cat like eyes were to be feared by most, almost him too. They were so hard and angry. Her tail was flicking side to side while her ears were pressed to her head, he also notice that she was dressed in nothing but rags.. Before his mind could make a choice his body came forward from the bushes and walked towards them.

The first thing they noticed of him was his royal blue tunic that was tucked in his expansive leather pants. Then they noticed how his hand was searching for something in his pocket before he took out a gold coin and flipped it off his thumb and into the hands of the woman holding a broom.

"You will leave this child alone" he demanded, his proper tone did not go unnoticed by them.

Though a kid they could tell he was serious and should not be messed with. They all quickly nodded and scampered off, Drita still growling, but this time in pain as she swayed over only to be caught by him. He set her down gently.

"Are you alright?" he asked,

She looked up and he noticed the long elegant whiskers at the side of her face accompanied by white tipped back fur at her side burns. Her arms were loosely covered up by old muddied cloth, but he also noticed the cuts and bruises she had.

"I'm fine. I'm not as sneaky as a cat should be, this is not the first time. Thank you for paying my fees, but I must get back home, it's momma's birthday today" she smiled, all her anger disappearing just like that.

He chuckled before taking off his tunic and ripping off a couple pieces. She let out a surprised gasp at the sight of his gash scar that went up his chest. She raised her hand slowly and gingerly touched the scar looking upset while he tied the pieces of cloth around her wounds.

"What happened?" she asked, quietly.

He looked at her from the corner of his eye. Her eyes showed how much she wanted to know and he just couldn't deny her the answer. It really wasn't anything special, but that day was still marked in his head like yesterday.

"I was training with my brother when I heard my mother scream. Both of us ran up to find her and a bloody mess with a masked man standing over her. My brother ran to get father but I stayed and he gave me this, leaving as he thought a kid like me should not have survive a wound so serious" he explained to her sadly.

Her eyes filled with tears.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, I knew a scar like that had to be scary getting, but I asked anyways" she sighed to herself.

The boy chuckled and offered a smile.

"It is ok. Everything happens for a reason. Sure I am still upset about it, I mean she was my mother. But I'll be ok.. Now you should be getting to your family as well" he quickly said, hiding his pain of the memory.

Her knowing eyes stared at him intensely for a minute before she got up.

"I'll stop pestering then.. Good day to you... And Thank you!" she quickly called as she ran down a wooden path.

He smiled sadly her way before putting on what was left of his tunic and speeding off. The first time he was caught for doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing, and that was only because of his shirt. He sighed as he was forced to stay in the carriage to think of what he's done.

'One day, I will find her again and see if she's finally free.. If she can be free, so can I. Right?'


When Drita got to her home she was immediately grabbed and pushed into a cabinet in which she had to watch as a bunch of random men stormed in.


Any text errors? Tell me in the comments, I tried my best to go through it, but two set's of eyes are better than 1.

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