Chapter 23

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Time skips anyone? There'll be a lot this chapter.


"Spit it out"

Rachel's head snapped towards the feline.

"What?" she asked,

Drita gave her a look as they walked back to the boys.

"Frosty.. I've known Marco since he was a baby, I helped raise him with mom and dad, and I know you like the back of my hand" she started, looking back to the trail ahead with Yuro who had galloped up in front of them. "I was partially awake when Marco came to check on me, I felt his aura, it was a lot angrier then it usually is. And I don't even know where to start with your tell signs. Your eyes get a little darker. Your aura a little more tingy then sparkly. Then there's the way your voice goes a bit hi-" "Ok! I get it! I'm easy to read!" she cut, looking flustered.

Drita giggled

"Only to people who pay attention, but yes, you are. Back on the Marco subject though. You two had a fight and until you two resolve it we're not leaving this kingdom, you hear?" she asked,

Rachel looked at her surprised for a moment.

"But we don't have time fo-" "I don't give a damn" Drita cut with a slight growl.

"I don't like it when you two fight, they usually don't last long but they always make you upset, and you're pupped! You have enough stress as it is being here on this mission, and besides, dealing with it now is better then letting it bother you till later" Drita finished, crossing her arms.

Rachel only sighed in response to the advice, maybe she was right.


Marco though wouldn't admit to it, felt more than relieved to see both Rachel and Drita safe and sound, and Rayden -who was back to normal- was always optimistic when it came to believing in the feral so he wasn't surprised that they were ok, but also relieved they were.

"So where did you three go?" He asked, thinking of the scent he caught before they left.

Drita shrugged, walking passed him only to take a grip on his hand to bring him with her.

"W- wait, where are we going?"

She looked over to Rachel before nodding off to Marco.

"Leaving those two to figure something out.. Don't want you getting in the way of it" she smirked while he rolled his eyes,

"I wouldn't get in the way!"

She nodded to herself.


Then they were out of sight with Yuro following after them at the call of his name. Rachel and Marco were left standing there staring at each other.

"You told her" he asked, looking down and clenching his fists.

She sighed

"No, she figured it out herself, but I didn't tell her what it was about. Either way, we need to talk this o-" "Fine! You want to talk this out? I'm not apologising for what I said, if anything you should be apologising to me" he growled, all of his previous anger and thoughts returning.

She closed her eyes taking a deep breath.

"I'm not asking that you apologise.. I'm asking that you understand, Marco. Please just let us talk this out, no more yelling in anger" she pleaded, her eyes soft and upset.

Rachel wasn't good in arguments, either she lost it or she broke, no in between, and with Marco it was mostly the latter. Marco looked away from her, suddenly feeling guilty. Still not looking at her directly he walked until he was close enough to wrap his arms around her. She stayed still, waiting for his next move or word.

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