Chapter 20 ♤♡◇♧

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Drita's beast had taken over, but they had a feeling that would happen. Even so, is still scared them a bit, as for the man, he just smirked at her arrival.

"Well if it isn't our so called new leader.. gotta say, you're a lot more pathetic looking then they say" he grinned,

She crossed her arms, giving him the familiar feline smirk. She didn't give a damn what he thought of her.

"Well then, sorry for disappointing, but other then that, you have something of mine" she said, looking over to the others who sat in the cell behind him.

But her eyes only met with Rayden's as she said the words. No one knew what she meant, but hoped she'd explain later on.

"Ah yes, the cat came for the bait. Well we better get to it then" he said, with a tad of frustration seeing she wasn't paying any attention to him.

She was completely calm, not one once of fear or doubt. He watched her, blinked, and she was gone. His instincts seemed to jump up in high alert. His senses taking over as one of his bounds flew off in seconds. A sudden hand on his head made him jump. He went to move, but a threatening purr of a growl stopped him in his tracks.

"Now now, I thought you were all powerful?" she asked, taking pleasure in his 'hidden' fear.

She rattled him with her speed. That did not belong to a pick pocket feral. He looked back to her, only for her to wink and disappear.

He quickly shook his head, she was getting to his head. He closed his eyes to reassure himself only for them to snap open in panic. Right when he closed them, he saw. He saw her eyes. Taunting him. The other bound flew off, causing fur to sprout from his skin. Antlers grew from his head.

And Drita watched from the side in delight. Her plan was working. She was getting to him. You see, if you watched her fighting techniques, you'd realise the way she does things, it didn't matter if the opponent was powerful or not. No, it depended on the mental state of her opponent. She got to them, used fear against them. She got inside their head and messed around a bit. And for the granddaughter of Hades, it wasn't that hard.

She smiled at the now giant dark brown stag before her. Yep, this was going to be quite difficult, but would she give in. She laughed at his glare. Nope.


Zavier watched her from afar. He was getting close, he could feel it. He was getting close to her secret. He's been working on this case for over 9 centuries now. She was good. He'll give her that, but she was starting to slip. It had something to do with that Rayden fellow. But what was it?

He cursed to himself, closing his eyes at the flash of green light. He turned away, walking off to follow Marcus. He knew the secret too, and so did that rose demon. What the hell was it? He walked into his own shadow, disappearing and reappearing back at his base. He was the one that bribed that genie to summon them in. He had no idea how Drita avoided being in the cell, or why the genie included Marcus with the summoning. He had so many questions that were nagging at him to be answered. He glared at his reflection in the puddle of water in the empty hallway.

"I can't with her. Always so defiant against me. After that wolf I thought she'd be easier to figure out then this, but no, she became even harder, colder. Why? She never broke like I wanted her to. Though I ended up taming her instead. Still, she might not break out anymore whenever she's in her cell, but she still doesn't listen to commands. She still had a secret up her sleeve... You'd think after last time she'd just come out with it" he rambled on to himself, stopping at the door to his office.

Then memories flashed of when she was fighting with the feral at the tournament and the feral from today came to his mind. Her eyes popped into his head.

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