Chapter 15 ♤♡◇♧

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She stood up in her cage, looking at the other female fighter challenging her. At first she was a little confused on why she was challenging her now, but then she saw the stats and realised this woman already knocked down the third fighter in order to fight with her personally. 

"How do you know I'm a feral?" Drita questioned, walking to the middle stage her opponent waited on.

"Easy" she answered, checking her nails "You smell just like your mother"

Drita stopped mid step, her eyes wide for only a minute in thought before they narrowed at her.

"Who are you?"

"I was apart of the ferals guard during your mothers time.. and was for years after, but now they found out about you and your history. If you expect me to go into submission under a half human brat your dead wrong, and many agreed with me and left while the others stayed in the ferals hiding spot" she explained, showing her fangs that looked like Drita's. "Now, show me just how weak you are, daughter of Selene Sasen"

Drita growled at the way her mothers name came from her lips. Then she realised this is what her mother had meant. She'd need to prove herself to them.. 

"If I have to fight with you take the bounds off" she stated,

The woman smirked and did as asked, her eyes flashing gold as her bones popped from their sockets and reformed. Feathers and fur grew over her skin while her nails turned into talons, then she bent down so she was on all fours... She turned into a snow white griffin. A LARGE beast for sure, she stood twice Drita's height while her fangs grew triple their regular size. Everyone's eyes widened before something snapped in their minds. It went from dead silent to screaming and yelling people in milliseconds flat. Drita's ears bent back in pain waiting for everyone to leave.. And once the stadium was empty only Marco, Rayden, Rachel, and a shaking Referee were left watching. 

"The g- game must g- go on.. Which m- means I- I have to stay" The big man stuttered,

"Better give that guy a raise" Marco muttered, looking back to the two fighters.

Drita glared, her muscles going from tense to completely loose, ready for any twist or bend that only a cats flexibility can do. The griffin reared it's front legs towards her, readying herself to charge. And when she did, Drita was gone. She landed, looking around her to try finding the little half human brat she was getting ready to squash. Then there was a sudden weight on her back. She turned her head to see said brat was calmly sitting criss cross on her back as if nothing from before even happened... Then she yawned.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it Fiza" The feline purred, her eyes slowly opening to reveal cruel amusement, and behind that cold and deadly intent.

She didn't know why, but her eyes reminded her of a silver devil. Then she remembered the dream she had the first night here. The same eyes were staring at her, they warned her.. They told her to submit before she got herself hurt. She shrieked in anger of that statement. It was Drita's beast who came into her dream. And the fact that it threatened her, a PURE blooded feral to stay away and submit.. The nerve.

Marco feeling the change of Drita's aura knew what to do next. He grabbed Rayden and ran over to Rachel, quickly clawing off her chains. She looked over to Drita in worry, knowing something bad was going to happen. Marco nodded to her.

"Can you make a barrier?"

"Of course" she quickly said making one of purification. They both look over to Rayden who just stood there feeling like an idiot since he didn't know what was going on.

"We'll have to wait until this is over"


Fiza went to buck the cat off, but right as her back legs left the ground she was gone once again. A sudden purr brought her attention to beside her. Drita was up and at em, stretching her back and arms, her ears pinned and her tail flicking side to side in a way that seemed... some how threatening. Or maybe it was because she could still see her eyes in the back of her head. The feline then stopped, arms still mid air, and turned her head only to give a wink.

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