Chapter 24

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Drita's eyes widened. She blew it. The secret that's been eating at her for centuries was now out in the open. It felt great to get it off her shoulders, but now a whole new load of worry replaced it. Their staring was starting to get to her. She felt like running away. Away from all of it. She wished Zeke was still alive. She wished she could've told the truth long ago. She wished it wasn't even a secret in the first place. She was tired. Tired of everything. She wanted a break. One that she knew she would never get. Little did anyone know, is that she broke a long time ago. The look on Rayden's face only broke her more.

And to the rest of them, well she looked like a kicked kitten. Furisha was now even more worried about her master's sake. She'd be kicking herself for giving away the secret like she did. Blaming herself. Rachel went to make a move towards her causing her to take a cautious step back as if the angel were going to attack her, but that was the last thing on Rachel's Mind. Marco only froze in his place. His sister had a child and she didn't even tell him.. or her own kid, but before his temper could get him it hit him.. she had no choice, or else Zavier would have went after him. But Rayden didn't know that and felt more confused then ever.

"You mean.." Beke questioned, looking to the boy with wide eyes. "You had a child with that filthy prince"

She growled at him suddenly, surprising all of them.

"No. You never let me explain what happened between me and him though. Rayden and I were only good friends, best friends actually. The vampire king was catching onto us, and since he was one of Zavier's closest clients he'd tell on us if he figured mine and Zeke's relationship out, so to throw him off me and Rayden acted like a couple whenever we put our masks on so if he ever did find out we'd only get punished and not separated. It was Artafa's idea and Zeke knew about it since he was apart of our group." she explained, sighing and looking over to Rayden who was now looking more then upset about the situation.

"So you mean to tell that I've been your and whoever this Zeke person is son? Why didn't you say anything before this? Why did you send me over to live with the king and Marcus? Both of which treated me as if I weren't even apart of the family, which I wasn't. Why? Did you not wa-" "Never. Me and your father wanted to keep you with us, but we-" Drita tried before cutting herself off when he sped off, ignoring her.

She stared off after him shaking her head to herself with a frustrated growl.

"Why did it have to be this way? Why can't it ever be easy for me? Why must I always screw these damned things up" she mumbled to herself, feeling everything hit her at once.

Marco growled making her tense up. She got ready for a scolding in which more guilt would load up on top, but no, Marco's next words shocked her.

"Idiot! I can't believe he ran off! He didn't even let her explain!" He growled, turning to run after him before she quickly ran over to him and caught his wrist.

"No Marco, he has a right to be upset, just give him time" She sighed, bringing back the Drita they were all used to.

Inside however, was beginning to crack. Rachel saw that and quickly shook her head, grabbing her by the shoulders and turning her to look at her.

"We're not doing this again, Drita. You need to tell us everything this time, no running away" Rachel confronted,

Beke was in front of them in seconds.

"I myself would like to know what my brother failed to tell me" he said,

Drita looked at all of them before her stare fell on her faithful familiar, Furisha. She sighed, jumping up to a near by branch and sat down on it.

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