Part 2- Cat and Dog.. or Dog and Cat

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"Did you get anything yet" Zavier asked, while reading through some forms on his desk.

He looked up when no one answered to see Zeke wasn't even there. He stood up and went down to the chambers, finding he wasn't there either. He had released the wild cat a week ago, and Zeke was supposed to be here to report his findings.. unless said cat caught him. He quickly shook his head and looked over to Artafa who was still asleep. Artafa was a rose demon, her powers very similar to that of a fear vampire, but instead of fear it's sadness. He clapped loudly, making her jump awake and look to the sound.

"Artafa.. I have a mission for you..."


Zeke knew he had to be back at the den, but he just couldn't leave. All she did was run, hunt, sleep and repeat, sometimes freeing a couple slaves here and there while going to a bar full of criminals. She stayed away from villages most of the time, but that wasn't really surprising, what was, was the fact she knew he was following her and didn't seem to care. Did she know what he was doing here? No, she was locked up the entire time, and if she knew she'd probably attack him.

"Why so confused, wolf?" someone suddenly whispered in his ear making him jump.

This was the first time Drita really took a look at him. Their fur were exact opposites. His tail was white and tipped black, his hair was the same while hers -both tail and ears- were black and tipped white. Their eyes were also complete opposites, his were a warm pale orange~ish brown color, while hers were a cold, hard blue and silver.

Right now they were on the outskirts of a small village. And he'd been staring out from a tree. She snuck up on him so easily, he needed to bring his game up a bit.

"Why do you let me follow you?" he questioned, turning around to see her no longer there.

He turned as something tapped his shoulder making him turn to see nothing once again, then there was a whistle from above that brought his attention to another higher branch. She stood there, staring at him with a feline smirk on her face. She had nothing but amusement shining in her eyes.

"Furisha!" she suddenly called, then out of nowhere something landed on his shoulder.

He looked to see a cat and got confused.

"It's more like I've been observing you" she said, "You see, Furisha here.. over heard your little plan with the jackass that captured me. I guess I just wanted to know how long you'd try to get a weakness out of me, or how so, because I don't feel like revealing any"

He just stared at her with a calm face, though inside was the exact opposite. 'She knew the entire time.. And she was watching me too!' was what went through his head. Now he had to figure out a plan to get some information out of her. Suddenly, her laugh cut him from his thoughts.

"You seem quite more confused and surprised now. Why?" she asked, shocking him even more.

No one can read his calm face, they always just thought he didn't care, he hadn't been listening, or he was just an innocent fool.

"Oh, I see.. You're surprised I can read that little façade of yours. Well don't be surprised, I am a cat after all, we come right after foxes when it comes to tricks and wit. The façade was fine, it's your eyes that need work, they show everything you're feeling if you don't know how to hide your emotions properly" she shrugged, before jumping to another tree branch. "Now, how 'bout a little cat and dog to get the blood going?"

He looked at her confused as she turned away from him.

"Wh-?" " So I run, and you chase... Simple, right?" she cut,

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