Chapter 1: The Nerve of Those Damn Butterflies

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The felt-like fabric of the seat carried a faint scent of cigarette smoke and lingering perfume, remnants of the taxi's previous patrons. The road, bumpy and not too fond of keeping your luggage in a stationary position, jostled you in your seat as the taxi driver pressed onward toward Morioh.

Maybe one of the first things you would do once you got settled was to buy a Walkman or something. From the front of the taxi, the speakers wheezed out static, sprinkled in with clips of voices that you guess was supposed to be music. You shifted your eyes back to the window, where green fields ran past at 40 miles an hour.

The radio managed to puff out a sentence in between the gasping fuzz, the tail end of a jingle playing along. "Morioh Cho Radio... we're live, with Morioh Cho Radio.."

"It usually clears up when we get past the radio tower." The man driving tossed over his shoulder. Over the dashboard, the metal structure loomed in the distance.

"Oh, I see.."

Well aren't you talkative? You could only imagine what you looked like to the driver, a disheveled, clearly foreign and PAINFULLY quiet teenage girl. Your leg was bouncing restlessly. Maybe I should pretend I don't speak the language. You snorted. Ah yes, it would be completely feasible for you, the girl who had flagged down a taxi at the airport and had an extensive conversation with the taxi driver about where you were going, to suddenly not be able to speak Japanese.

Out the window the metal spokes of the radio tower passed by, and almost like magic the radio sputtered to life.

You put on a smile and looked up at the rear view mirror. "I guess you were right!"


You'd always wanted to do an exchange year in a foreign country, and you had loved Japan for as long as you could remember, so being able to combine those two things was an absolutely amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You knew in your heart it wouldn't be like it was portrayed in anime, but it was so thrilling that even thinking about it now, was putting a smile on your face.

The Inoue family, the hosts for your international adventure, were rather nucular. Mr. and Mrs. Inoue had a daughter around your age, Junko, who also happened to go to the school you'd be attending, though she was a year older. You had talked to them over the phone,and they seemed nice enough, but it would probably take a while to get used to the dynamic.

Slowly but surely, buildings and houses started to dance past the windows. The clock on the dash displayed the time as two in the afternoon, but you were too busy taking in the scenery. Quaint houses, a square with a little turtle pond, and little shops lining the way. People went by on their own little missions, off to run errands or maybe just take in the clear air. As the taxi started down a side road, you noticed that the little shops transitioned to more of the quaint houses you had seen earlier.

"We're almost there." the driver commented. This would be the street that you'd be living on for the next year. Flowers grew in pots along the walls, and people milled about. From the looks of it, a fair few kids must live nearby, as some were running, enjoying what precious little time they had left before school started up again.

The taxi took one more turn and started to slow down. Your heart beat against your ribs, feeling like a hundred little butterflies were rustling around in your chest. "End of the line, young lady!" The driver gave a hearty smile in the rear view mirror as he got out of the taxi. Your leg was bouncing a little bit harder now.

You unbuckled yourself, and collected the little bag you had with you. The door clicked open easily, and suddenly you were standing on the precipice of the world.

You took a step, and closed the door behind you. The taxi driver had already taken your luggage out of the trunk, and had set it on the sidewalk. Shifting your backpack, you grabbed a hold of the massive rolling bag, pulling it to your side. The trunk shut behind you, and you turned your attention to the driver. "Thank you sir, I hope you have a nice day." You punctuated with a slight bow, but the driver waved his hand dismissively.

"It was no issue," he smiled, "I hope you enjoy your stay." Suddenly the car was pulling away, and you were left standing there. You turned to face the house and checked the address for the umpteenth time. There was a short driveway, and a rather unassuming teal house.

Pulling your stuff along, you approached the front door while your heart did a funky little jig.

It had never occurred to you how intimidating front doors were, but here you are, scared of a doorbell and whatever lay on the other side. Well, apparently fate wasn't going to let you mull it over any longer, as the door was pulled inward, exposing a shyly smiling face.

"Uh, Hi!" You raised your hand in a sudden and tightly pulled in wave. "I'm um, sorry haha, I'm (Y/n)." The girl in the doorway's face bloomed into a grin.

"You know, I figured as much." She pulled the door the rest of the way in, shuffling to the side and beckoning you in. "Mom! She's here!" She called into the house. "Well, what are you waiting for? Come in!"

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