Chapter 19: No Need To Worry

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"Excuse me, we're looking for a patient's room." Josuke leaned on the front desk, the woman behind the counter needed to look up in order to meet his eyes.

"What's the patient's name?" The woman's fingers rattled over the keyboard, eyes turning down toward the screen in front of her.

"Ebina, Kazue." Josuke had folded his arms over the counter. You shifted your weight from foot to foot, awkwardly standing behind your classmate, the handles of the bag from school gripped tightly.

The woman sighed. "He's currently with his family, do you want to come back at a later time?"

"If it's alright, we just wanted to drop off some things from school." Josuke gave her a small smile. "He's a classmate of ours, and a friend."

The nurse seemed to flush a little under his probing gaze, putting a hand to her cheek. "I guess that's alright then... Your friend is in room 447." She bashfully smiled at Josuke. "I hope you have a great day."

"Thanks for the help, you too." He rapped his fingers against the desk, sounding a short knock. He looked back at you. "Let's go."

Just past the lobby were a set of elevator doors, one of which opened immediately after hitting the call button. You stepped inside, and the doors sealed shut, Josuke hitting the button for the fourth floor. The mechanically whir of the otherwise silent space was uncomfortably crowding into your thoughts.

You cleared your throat in an attempt to fill the void. "I've never met Kazue's family before, I didn't think we were going to run into them. It sure is one way to introduce yourself..."

Josuke smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure they'll be happy that we came to visit. Kazue will probably be relieved to see you too."

"You think so?" You looked up at him. He turned his eyes down to yours.

"Positive, why wouldn't he be? It's you after all."

What was that supposed to mean?

You didn't have much time to ponder what he meant before the elevator dinged and the doors slid open.

The fourth floor of the hospital didn't have much foot traffic aside from the comings and goings of different doctor and hospital staff between the rooms. It wasn't uncommon to see the occasional regularly dressed person, most likely visiting either friends or family on the ward. The fluorescent lights in the hallway bathed everything in a stale yellow glow, the black numbers positioned by the side of each door glowed almost green against their plaques.

The farther down the hall you advanced, the higher the numbers went.

433... 435... 437...

Your leg itched to bounce up and down, your stomach swam in nervous circles. Even though you knew that he'd be able to come back to school thanks to Josuke, it still felt like it was going to be hard to explain his sudden change in prognosis.

439... 441... 443...

Maybe you could make fun of him for being such a klutz.


Well, maybe not in front of his family, but you'd certainly be able to when he came back.


You hesitated outside the door. It looked just like any of the other rooms, neatly spick and span, no dust nor dirt, but you couldn't quite bring yourself to knock. You were still worried about what might be on the other side.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, looking up to see Josuke watching you with a concerned smile. "Hey, it'll be alright. Do you want me to do the talking?"

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