Chapter 3: Blue-Eyed Chicken Chips

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"I hope you don't mind waiting for a little bit, miss (l/n). We're waiting for the entrance ceremony to conclude before we find a class for you." The lady at the desk smiled at you, your hands folded tightly in your lap, and leg bouncing away.

"It's no issue! I don't mind."

Budogaoka High School was certainly different from your school at home. While your halls were lined with lockers, the walls here were bare, save for the windows that ran the length of every hallway. The doors to each classroom slid open, rather than a hinged one, and from what you could tell, switching classrooms wasn't really a thing.

Junko had dropped you off in the main office some 20 odd minutes ago, running off wherever she was supposed to go, leaving you alone in with the secretary. You drummed your fingers on your legs. I hope I don't embarrass myself. But who knows, maybe people will think it's endearing? You sighed, the butterflies in your lungs and heart stirring. "No idea..." you muttered under your breath.

Another 20 minutes had passed before someone else entered the office. The secretary looked up briefly and then smiled at you. "Miss (y/n), this is your home room teacher." The man who had stepped into the office had thick coke bottle glasses and thinning hair. His face betrayed no emotion, but he bowed slightly to you.

"My name is Mr. Matsushita, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine." you stood up and bowed deeply. That's what you're supposed to do, right? You looked up to find Mr. Matsushita beckoning you out the door.

The first year classes were on the first floor of the school (go figure) and class 1-B, your new home room, wasn't far from the entrance of the building. The soft shoes you had put on tapped out a rhythm as you waited outside the door to the class, Mr. Matsushita sliding it open.

It felt like your heart was river dancing. Tentatively, you took a step forward, and every set of eyes in the classroom focused in on you. You took another step forward, standing next to Mr. Matsushita as he cleared his throat. "I would like to introduce you to miss (y/n) (l/n), she will be joining our class as an exchange student for the year." Mr. Matsushita looked over to you.

Oh golly gee, time to introduce yourself. "Hello! My name is (y/n), I'm looking forward to working with you." Should I bow? I don't know anymore. You argued back and forth in your head as Mr. Matsushita pointed out a seat you assumed you were supposed to take. Your face felt like it was on fire. "Uh, ok then."

As you walked to the back of the classroom, you felt the eyes of your peers following you. You glanced around, offering little smiles to anyone you managed to catch. Confident, be confident! Your eyes locked onto a pair of blue eyes, giving a little nod. The boy they belonged to was looking at you curiously.


The first few classes of the day went off without a hitch, aside from the occasional glances in your direction and whispers. When lunch was announced, you were surrounded by your classmates, being bombarded with questions and comments.

"Where are you from, (y/n)?"

"Can we really call you (y/n)? That's so cool!"

"Where are you staying?"

"I love your hair!"

"Do you want me to show you around town?"

"It's so cool to have a foreigner classmate!"

All you could do was smile and answer whatever questions you could pick out. Eventually, the crowd subsided and you were left with only a few classmates who had pulled up chairs to eat lunch with you. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the boy with the blue eyes looking out the window, chatting with a smaller classmate. They looked familiar, though you couldn't quite place where you'd seen them.

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