Chapter 9: Beautiful Karma

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The idea of having to go to school that next Monday as if nothing had happened before the weekend felt like true karmic punishment.

But what had you done to deserve it?

You had pulled your desk chair over to the window, resting your head on the open sill. you were already dressed for the day, but weren't exactly in a rush to leave for school. You thunked your head down on the window frame.

Sitting next to your school bag on your desk was Josuke's umbrella, where it had been since you tossed it aside on that rainy Friday afternoon. A warm breeze filtered into your room, lightly tousling your hair. With it carried the voices and foot traffic of people already set out for the day. It smelled like spring.

It really was too bad you wanted to shrivel up and die.

You hadn't been able to stop thinking about what had happened with Josuke all weekend. Obviously, you were mortified that you had behaved the way you did, but that's not what was eating up your subconscious.

How the hell was he so nonchalant about having freaking super powers!? You wanted to tear your hair out.

"Gah!" You yelped, being grabbed by your shoulders.

"Hey, answer the door when I knock, would you?" Junko released her grip on you. "What are you doing spacing out? We have to go. You know, school?"

"Jesus Junko, you scared me half to death." You clasped your hands over your chest. "Yeah, I know. Sorry." You stood up and pushed the chair out of the way, reaching over the desk to grab the umbrella and your book bag. Junko eyed the umbrella. You turned to her with a smile. "Ready?"


The halls of Budogaoka High School were congested with students getting the day started, whether it was changing into their school shoes or just milling around, chatting with friends.

You, however were just standing there, waiting for Josuke to show up, his umbrella tightly clutched in your hands. Your classmates passed by, flowing around you like a boulder in the middle of a river. You kept your eyes on the doors, and could actually hear him before you could see him.

Well in actuality, you heard the "fan club", but it just meant the same thing. He appeared in the door, hands in his pockets, offering little greetings to the girls crowding around him. One by one they dropped off and left him be, leaving him alone by his locker. You stilled your nerves and marched over to him. you tapped him unceremoniously on the shoulder. He looked down at the umbrella in your hands.

"Josuke, um, here." You pushed the umbrella towards him. "I never got a chance to give it back."

He took it out of your hands and rested his hand on the back of his neck. "Morning to you too, (y/n). Thanks."

You avoided his eyes, you could feel them on you. "I also never got to say thank you... for helping me out."

It was his turn to dodge his eyes, his gaze drifting down the hallway. "You don't have to thank me, I think it was a fair trade off."

"What?" You looked up at him.

"Well," his eyelids lowered shyly. "I really scared you, didn't I? It was the least I could do."

You felt a pit forming in your stomach. He wasn't denying it. You knew the events on Friday happened, but having him confirm it made it feel more real. "Uh, Josuke.."

His eyes, upon closer inspection, were less of a deep blue and more of an indigo, they flashed with bits of purple in the light. "Yeah?"

Shit. What should you say? What on earth could possibly be said in a situation like this? Hey Josuke, It's not your fault that your creepy spirit powers freaked me out, I bet it'd happen to anyone! you were stuck in those eyes, trapped in their depths like an ancient insect in amber.

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