Chapter 14: Arms

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You lost track of them from your vantage point when they disappeared behind some buildings, but when you made it down to the shops it wasn't exactly difficult to spot Josuke, what with his height and unique style. A gaggle of classmates meandering around the shops separated you from him, and wedging yourself through wasn't exactly going to work.

"Have a good day Josuke!

"See you tomorrow Jojo!"

All around you their voices called out to him, sending those icy spikes of nerves deeper into your heart. "Screw it." You cut into the street, running along the sidewalk, past lamp posts and street signs. "Josuke!" You could see him again, though his encapsulating eyes weren't on you.

"Um Jojo, read this when you get a chance, ok?" She was offering him a letter, a distinct heart shaped sticker sealing the envelope. Your feet lagged, nearly sending you to a dead stop in the middle of the street.

She was cute, a classmate you'd definitely seen around at some point. She shyly pushed the note into Josuke's hands, and didn't even look him in the eye before running off to her friends who were waiting in the wings, retreating with furtive giggles.

You ducked behind one of the street lights. Your heart was pounding. Why were you so nervous? Say something, do something. He had raised his other hand to open it. Call out to him, stop him. That knot in your stomach coiled tighter, but all you could do was watch from behind the pole.

He was right there, why won't you say anything? You tore your eyes away.

"What are you doing? Gimme that!" A shrill voice called out.

Who was that? You peeked back around, and found that the voice belonged to Josuke's shorter companion, who, it turns out, wasn't actually Koichi.

Those sunken cheeks and longer, greasy hair took you by surprise. It was that guy, the one in the photo, the one who had been watching your house. What was Josuke doing hanging out with him?

The boy had torn the letter to shreds, flinging the scraps to the ground. "How come you're so popular? It really pisses me off!" His face was twisted up in anger, his beady eyes carried pure acid and fire as he spat a look of disdain at the taller boy.

"Josuke? What's going on?" You had stepped gingerly out from behind the lamp post, and both sets of eyes turned on you. "Did you work things out with him? Was he actually a stand user or what?" Josuke's indigo eyes were dull as they stared down at you.

"What did you just say?" The boy with the sunken eyes had turned his acidic gaze on you. "You know about that?"

You shot a glance at him. "Hey, it's cool, you can trust me." You looked up to the taller of the two. "Tell him, Josuke."

Those indigo eyes of his watched you without emotion, his silence was deafening. He instead turned to look at the boy next to him, who now looked even angrier. "I can't have you ruining this for me, even if you're just a stupid bitch." The boy looked up at Josuke. "They're going to catch up if we don't do something, deal with her."

You shot a puzzled look up back to Josuke. "Wait, I'm confused. Josuke what is he talking about?" Josuke's cold face uttered no explanation, instead taking a step towards you. You took a step back, fear pulling you away from your classmate. "J-Josuke?"

He fluidly raised his arm up. With the impact of a baseball bat, he cracked you over the head. The force sent you toppling to the ground without so much as a moment to process what happened.


Your ears rang with a monotone buzz, and all noises that were loud enough to make out over it sounded as if they were coming from a room far away. Bright spots of light swam in your vision, it felt as if the space between your ears were stuffed with cotton.

A Crazy, Noisy, Bizarre Adventure (Reader x Josuke)-  Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Where stories live. Discover now