A/N: part 2, Electric Boogaloo

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Wow. Y'all are really something, ain't ya?

I mean, I honestly never thought I'd get this far, and I never dreamed that you'd actually enjoy my stuff. It honestly feels unreal...

Anyways, this is the thing I actually wanted to say; I am so sorry for the hiatus as of late. With school back in session, my summer of fan fiction writing has been nixed, but despite that fact you're still here, reading this even now.

With such dedication, what kind of  author would I be if I just left you in the dust like that? Not a very proud one, that's for sure.

So, I need y'all to do me a favor...


Kick. My. Ass.

You heard me.

D o   i t.

I want to continue writing for you, and the fact that I can entertain y'all even just a little brings me so much joy!  I don't want to let you down, even if it's just for a silly Jojo fanfic!

The next chapter will not be good, not nearly as quality as before, but that won't stop me! I'm going to hit my stride again, and write the best damn Josuke x Reader you've ever seen!!!!!!

So please,

Kick my ass. I'm here to serve you.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2020 ⏰

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