Chapter 4: A Shift in the Normal

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Hur dee dur Josuke, how's that, uhhhhh, turtle? What on earth is wrong with you? There's a fine line between being the ditzy new girl and holding a conversation with the grace of a newborn giraffe. By the way, maybe you should do track and field, because you long jumped yourself right on over that border by a mile.

But oh well, you're making cookies with Junko and her Mom.

"From what my sources say, you made a couple of friends, didn't you?" Mrs. Inoue said, rinsing off her hands in the sink.

"Yep, and I learned all about chips that taste like rotisserie chicken."

Junko paused mid cookie ball. "What?"

"You heard me."

"And you were able to keep up with the classes alright?" Mrs. Inoue took the bowl of dough from her daughter.

"For the most part. There were a couple things I didn't understand, but Miko said she'd help me out if I need it."

"See? I told you today was going to be ok, have a little more faith in yourself, (y/n)." Mrs. Inoue gave you a smile. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Junko sneak some dough out of the bowl and pop it in her mouth.

You had to admit, it was kind of nice how simple it all was. Going to school, making friends, coming home and doing family things even if you weren't actually family.

"Oh shoot, we're low on chicken broth." Mrs. Inoue was crouched down in front of the fridge, rummaging through the shelves.

"We can go get some Mom!" Junko shouted. "I can show (y/n) around town a little more." Junko looked over at you and winked.

Oh no?

"That's actually a good idea, Junko. Let me make a list." Mrs. Inoue opened a drawer and pulled out a post-it note and a pen, scribbling down a few items. "Here Junko, BUT," Mrs. Inoue lifted the note and pointed it at Junko. "You can only go to SunMart! I want you two back before dark, do you hear me?"

"Yeah yeah, loud and clear.." Junko took the note from her mom, Mrs. Inoue handed over a few bills as well. Junko swooped her arm over your shoulder and started pulling you out of the kitchen in a headlock. "Let's gooooooooo!"

"Ok, ok! I can walk!" Junko let go when you started swatting at her arms.

"What was that all about?" You looked over at Junko, who was casually strolling with her hands in her pockets, watching her feet and stepping over cracks in the pavement.

"What, the winking? Nothing much, I just figured it would be a good opportunity to get some privacy. Besides, it is actually a good idea for you to get used to walking around town. We wouldn't want you to get lost."

You snickered a little. "Yeah, I'm sure I'm going to go missing in MORIOH of all places." Junko didn't say anything, her smile faltering for just a moment.

"Ha! Well, better safe than sorry. And hey, if you can get someone to point you to where SunMart is, you'll be able to find your way back home!"

"That's fair I guess." You decided to take the opportunity to look around and get a hold of your surroundings.

The rest of the walk was spent in idle chit chat, mostly as Junko gossiped about things that were happening at school. It became very apparent why rumors about Josuke were able to spread to your classmates by lunch...

Not far ahead, the little grocery store known as SunMart came into view, along with a crowd of people on the outside.

"Huh? What's going on?" Junko's eyes honed in on the amassing group and started to jog.

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