Chapter 21: Heat

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A/n: This chapter took me ages to write, and I'm still not 100% satisfied with it, but we finally did it boys... the start of the good kush. Thank you so much for reading this far, it makes me so happy that there are some of you out there that like my writing enough to follow my story. Enjoy :')


You decided against going to visit Kazue on Saturday. You figured his family would probably be there and want some time with him, so you thought it'd be best not to disturb them.

Of course, spending your whole day by the window hugging your knees and hoping to see Josuke pop out wasn't a very good replacement for doing something productive, but it's not like you could focus on much else. Your stomach was in knots constantly, worrying about him and his supposedly busy day.

He had a way of worming into every waking thought of yours, and even unconsciously. It wasn't lost on you, no matter how your brain tried to forget the wisps of nighttime subconscious thoughts, that he was even showing up in your dreams.

You slammed your knees into your eye sockets, hoping to jolt you from the embarrassing fantasies that had featured your classmate. You hadn't gotten dressed for the day, since it was the weekend, what was the point? Besides, it's not like you were going to see anyone anyways.

Except maybe Josuke-

You shook your head. stop it brain, stop! Stop bringing him up!

But that's why you were there, right? Perched in your desk chair by the window hoping that he'd stop by to say hi? You're pathetic, you know that? A lovesick little puppy waiting for its owner to come back so you can jump into their arms and lick their face-

AH! CUT IT OUT! you slapped yourself in the temple, trying to beat the stupid thoughts out of your head.

It was a genuinely nice day out, despite your inactivity. The sun shone brightly in the sky, and the air only twinged slightly with the notion of chilly spring temperatures. Puffy white clouds drifted by, birds floating lazily in groups, the nice weather apparently appealed to more than just humans.

Josuke never came.

By the time you had finished with dinner and homework, there wasn't even the smallest glimmer of gold in the setting sun, no sign of the tall, dark and han-



You gulped. Handsome. Tall, dark and... handsome.

Yeah. That. No sign of him.

You threw yourself down on your bed, eyes dancing over the swirling texture of the ceiling, the worried tangles of concern constricting tighter. He couldn't have gotten hurt, right? He was smarter than the enemy, not to mention stronger.

I think. Your leg bounced mindlessly.

Just admit it already, why don't you? It's painfully obvious to everyone around you how you act around him. The way that your heart palpitates whenever he's close, especially when you think about the way he was so close to you...

I refuse. Nada. Not happening.

Even in the dark you could tell your face was absolutely red with embarrassment. You kept protesting against your own brain as the world slowly faded to darkness around you, the clock at your bedside flashing 1 AM.


"Hey, you can't just hide in here all weekend, it's really sad. Let's go do something already." Junko had taken a running start down the hall, sliding into your room with the momentum of her socks slipping over the hardwood floor.

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