Chapter 6: Friend Soup

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As time went on, the magic and newness of life in Morioh seemed to lose its vibrance. Aside from the first day of school, nothing "paranormal" had happened in almost a week. Well, unless you'd consider it unusual that you actually had a couple of friends.

You, Miko and Kazue spent a lot of your free time at school chatting, which was a welcome distraction from the heebie jeebies you got from being in the same room as Josuke Higashikata. Speaking of which...

"Josuke wasn't here again today. That makes four whole days." A girl from one of the first year classes commented to her friend, who was leaning on the locker next to yours while you were getting your shoes on. You recognized the girls, Kazue anointed them as, "members of the Higashikata fan club". They were the girls who would always chat with Josuke when he came in in the morning and when he left in the afternoon.

"Well of course not, I wouldn't expect him to be out and about. His grandfather did just pass away, after all."

You paused tying your shoes and honed in on the conversation between the two girls.

"I didn't know that! Oh, maybe I should write him a note. What a terrible thing to be going through..." The girls' had started walking away, their voices fading out of focus. You slowly stood up, and closed the door to your locker.


You were waiting by the door for Junko for twenty minutes before you got a text, your phone buzzing from your skirt pocket. You flipped open your cell, and saw a message from none other than her.

"Heeeeeeyyyyyy! so, funny story, I actually went home early today... haha! So, I'm super sorry that you have to walk home alone, but Mom made me soup and I'd be happy to share when you get back <3"

Another message from Junko popped up.

"Plz don't kill me, I know I should have told you before."

You groaned as you flipped your phone shut. Above you, the sky was turning grey, in the distance thunder was rumbling. Your shoes clacked against the stone of the path to the school gate. "Thanks Junko, I really appreciate it." You grumbled to yourself, passing through the gates. "Now I get to walk home in the rain!"

The sidewalk leading from the school was practically deserted, as mostly everyone had already headed home for the day, or had taken shelter from the impending storm. A strong breeze gusted your hair out of your face, carrying the scent of rain. Another roll of thunder sounded off in the distance.

If you remembered correctly, if you continued down this road, you'd get to the main plaza, and then you just had to take a couple of residential streets to get back the Inoue's house. "That's easy enough.." The Morioh town plaza was visible down the road, also mostly deserted, save for cars and other vehicles.

Something small hitting your nose pulled you from your thoughts. You stopped and touched a finger to it, but another small something-or-other hit you on the head. "Oh come on..." It was water. Upon closer inspection, the pavement around you started splotching with hundreds of dark little dots. You raised your bag over your head and started jogging towards the plaza, the rain starting to pick up with a dull pitter-patter. "Junko, I'm going to kill you."

By the time you reached the square, the rain was freely pouring down. You rushed to a shop's awning, taking shelter for a moment so you could catch your breath. You looked out into the road, squinting, trying to figure out which turn you were supposed to make. "Damn, I can't see anything..." you looked at your phone, drafting a message to your friend.

"The soup better be good, because I am NOT thrilled with you right now."

You hit send and stuffed your phone back into your pocket, taking a step out from under the awning. Using the turtle pond as a reference, you decided to start down one of the streets that looked familiar. Your loafers squished with moisture and you ran through the amassing puddles of rain water, the vague blurry shapes of houses filtering past. You skidded to a stop, an intersection layed out in front of you. "You've got to be shitting me.." you helplessly swung your head around, begging for even a minuscule clue as to where you were, and which way you were supposed to go.

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