Chapter 23: Drunk Actions

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"J-Josuke?! Can you hear me?! Please, look at me!" The boy was pressed up against the wall, his eyes blinking in and out of focus as he swayed, blood pouring heavily from a tear in his eyelid. on the very verge of passing out, he crumpled to his knees.


Three hours prior

Running errands with the Inoues was something that, though you were never a super big fan of doing, you did it anyways, just to make their lives a little easier.

The weekend was a prime time to get chores like grocery shopping or headed to the bank done, especially when you have nothing else to do.

Or, better yet, when Junko didn't feel like doing them, so you figured you'd might as well substitute for her. This of course, guilted her into coming with you to prove that she "was a good kid, just not a suck up".

Whatever that means.

"(Y/n) dear, do you mind running over to the dairy aisle again? I forgot to grab milk when we passed by." Mrs. Inoue sighed as she looked over the list in her hand. The Kameyu Department Store was practically filled, but Mrs. Inoue stood by her tradition of Saturday afternoon grocery shopping.

"Not at all! I'm on it." You jogged past the rows, headed back towards the place you'd seen the milk.

When you had wrapped up shopping, all that was left to do was to stop by the bank. You and Junko waited by the car for Mrs. Inoue to finish her business, in the meantime loading the groceries into the back seat.

"There. Now, fingers crossed my mom doesn't take like, a bazillion years." Junko had slammed the car door shut, leaning against it.

"Mm, how's that math grade of yours?"

Junko rolled her eyes. "Go home, would you? You've got such a 'tude. Stupid freshmen." She leaned over the roof of the car and narrowing her eyes at you.

"Ouch, my feelings."

"Whatever.. ugh, could you go check on her? If I do it she'd yell at me, but she likes you. I don't want to sit around here forever, it's hot out today."

You sighed. "Fiiiiiiiiiine." You pushed yourself off the car and jogged off toward the bank. Though you didn't WANT to rush Mrs. Inoue, you had to admit that standing around for another 20 minutes didn't sound fun. Besides, the bank would at least have air conditioning, a fact that you didn't want to let Junko in on.

The automatic doors pushed open and you surveyed the lobby. Why was it that official places always smelled like perfume and new cars? It was weird. Mrs. Inoue was standing at the counter, speaking with one of the tellers, but you didn't feel like interrupting her in the middle of official business. In fact, you were going to walk right back out the door when something, rather, SOMEONE caught your attention.

Your heart started to thump harder on instinct, Josuke's presence had a way of doing that to you. He was coming out of a back room, being lead by a teller and followed by two other people, one of which you recognized to be Okuyasu. But it was the other, shorter person that confused you. Under closer inspection, he clearly wasn't Koichi, but he was wearing a uniform that looked like he came from the same school as you, though a LOT younger.

Okuyasu and Josuke were grinning like idiots, the smaller boy just following behind. You glanced back to Mrs. Inoue, who hadn't noticed you come in, so you slipped back out the front door so as to not draw her attention. The asphalt in the parking area was hot, it was officially a warm day in Morioh after all. You just kept your eyes trained on the door, waiting for your classmates to come through.

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