Chapter 17: Mother Miki

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Miko didn't need to say anything when the lunch bell rang, she instead opted to tug you over to her desk and forcefully sit you down in her chair. Her lips were scrunched up and her eyes were wide, giving her face almost the appearance of a bush baby. She didn't even bother taking a seat, just standing in front of you.

"My food is over there still..." you leaned in the chair to try and see around her to your desk.

Miko grabbed both sides of your face, forcing you to look up at her. She leaned in, with the same wide eyes. "I don't care." She gave your cheek a little pat and let go of it.

You shifted in the stiff chair. "Is this about this morning?"

"DING DING DING, WHAT HAS SHE WON FOLKS?!" she tossed her arms in the air, a wide, opened mouth smile gaping in sarcasm. She slammed her hands down on the table. "Yeah, no shit that's what I'm talking about! What the hell WAS that?! Are you and Higashikata-"

You raised a hand to abruptly cut her off, shooting your own wide eyed look at her. "Friends? Yes, as a matter of fact." You motioned her to sit down, worried she was going to draw attention to your conversation.

Miko grabbed a chair from an abandoned desk, promptly sitting down and returning to her tirade. "That girl GRILLED me about you two! I had no idea what I was supposed to say! When did this happen and why, in god's name did you NOT tell me?!" She hissed out at you. "Apparently you met her TOO, thanks for telling me THAT."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just didn't see a point! There's literally nothing going on besides me being friends with him! And as far as Okimi goes, I only ever talked to her once!" Your stomach grouched loudly. "Can we please go to my desk? I'm really hungry."

Miko shook her head vigorously. "Not a chance, we are talking over here, got it? I don't need anyone... overhearing."

You tilted your head at her. "The only person who hangs out near there is Kazue, everyone else splits during lunch."

Miko rolled her eyes. "You are a special kind of dumb, (y/n). That's exactly WHY." She folded her arms. "I don't want him to feel anymore uncomfortable than he already is, he's still bugged because of that umbrella comment."

You let out a groan, and your stomach growled again.

You felt something snap inside of you.

"That's it! I've had it!" You abruptly stood up, startling Miko.

"What are you talking about?" She watched you cross the classroom. "(Y/n)?" You didn't bother answering, instead marching straight up to Kazue desk, slamming your hands down.

"Stop sulking! It's starting to piss me off!" The vim in your voice took you by surprise as well. "I don't care about that stupid comment, and you shouldn't either! Come eat lunch with us or else I swear to god I will break your face so that you have to permanently smile, Damn it!" You pounded his desk again for good measure.

"I-I, what?" He had backed up in his chair, looking as if he were about to fall out of it.

"You. Heard. Me." You plunked yourself down at your own desk, bending down and fishing your lunch out of your bag. When you looked up, Kazue was just staring at you. "See, that's much better." You pointed your fork at him before snapping open your container.

Miko rushed over, watching Kazue carefully. You sat back and chewed slowly, raising your brows at her. You swallowed. "I'm going to say this once, and only once." You paused, bringing another bite of food up to your mouth, chewing and swallowing. "I have no idea how you guys do it here in Morioh, but if there's an issue to be had, I'd rather claw my own eyes out than let it go unresolved, got it? Problems can only get fixed by talking them through, and I'm not just going to sit idly by and wait to forget about it."

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