Chapter 12: Boy, You Trippin'

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The chiming of the school bell signaled the end of classes for the day, setting off a chain of eruptions across the classroom as voices broke into chatter and the scrape of chairs pulling away from desks screeched. Kazue looked like he was trying to hurry out the door, but you weren't going to let him get away again. As he went to push his chair in, you reached forward with both hands, clamping down on his bicep. "Wait a second, please?"

A look of embarrassment creeped onto Kazue's face, but he relented. You forced the corners of your mouth into a smile, though it felt as if your eyes still betrayed concern. "Don't worry about yesterday, ok? I'm not mad, and I don't want you to feel bad. For god's sake Kazue, you're one of my best friends! If I couldn't take a joke from you, then what would that say about our friendship?"

Kazue lowered his eyes, his face going pink. "That's not... I get that you don't care about it, but it's just..." His voice trailed off. "Whatever." He slipped his arm out of your grasp and headed for the classroom door, turning around briefly to shoot you a look before disappearing into the hallway.


"Hey, just let him be." Miko had come up behind you. "He just needs some space."

You retrieved your book bag with a sigh and pushed in your seat. "I don't understand what's up with him, it was just a stupid joke." Miko seemed to twitch a little, but she was already striding away.


Junko was in turn waiting for you at the doors today, a bright smile on her face as she waved you over, splitting you and Miko with parting words of "see you tomorrow". The day was overcast, but as you and Junko walked home, it didn't appear that it was going to start raining anytime soon. Junko curiously questioned you about the status of your little "problem", and you decided to not tell her about the meeting with Josuke. She already had a wild imagination and a knack for gossip, and that was a can of worms you didn't want to open with her.

Besides, she was riveted in talking about some guy in the year above her, so she wasn't paying much attention anyways. "He's kinda creepy, you know?" Junko was waving her hand in time with her words. "I just feel like he's always watching me, I hate it." Regardless of the fact you were in the midst of the pack of students leaving for the day, she really didn't seem bothered so openly talking about it.

"Mm, who would've thought that you'd have boy troubles." You sarcastically rolled your eyes.

Junko's eyes slipped over to yours. "Should I be offended by that?" She looked genuinely confused, but you just smiled. The mouth of the town plaza swallowed you up, and Junko rushed over to the turtle pond. She took a seat on the edge of the bricks, pulling out her cellphone.

"What are you doing?" You stood in front of her, with your bag at your side. Junko just looked down at the little screen, typing out something rapidly. "Uh, Junko?" You waved a hand in front of her face. She glanced up.

"Sorry, I just wanted to stop for a second." She snapped her phone shut but didn't stand up, instead peering behind her into the pond. "This really is a pretty spot, you know? It reminds me of being a little kid and coming here with my friends, we used to compete to try and capture turtles faster than the others." She wistfully reached out, her fingertips through the water.

"Junko, did you hit your head or something?"

Junko pulled her hand from the water and shook it off. "Sorry, just got lost in thought for a second there." She turned her face up to you. "Hey! let's get going already!" She hopped to her feet.

You turned away from the pond shaking your head. Junko was definitely a little weird sometimes. "You were the one who wanted to sit down-"

Your words were cut short by a startled gasp and a splash. Whirling around, you saw that Junko had tumbled back first into the turtle pond. "Oh my god, you klutz." You dropped your bag and reached into the pool, tugging her into a sitting position. She was coughing and spluttering water, her hair was stuck to her face.

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