Chapter 28: Part of You

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A/n: y'all, I swear to Jesus-jojo Christ with all of this, you're making me crazy. 10k reads?! Just, let that sink in.

Enough sinking.

All of you who come back time and again to read my stuff, you're the greatest. Getting a notification from watt pad makes me so happy, especially when I see it's a comment.

And don't think I haven't noticed all of you making comments on Junko's name. I get it, she has a nominal relation to a certain disparaging individual, but as  Chiakinnie noticed, Junko is actually the name of the girl Hazamada had a crush on in the show/manga!

Anyhow, I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's been a long time coming. Thanks again for making every morning worth getting up to see and every crappy story worth writing! 



Teeth tend to chatter when the head that they're stuck in was enough of a fool to go swimming in barely tolerable water temperatures, and as you dragged your soaking frame out of the waves, grains of sand grinding into your skin and every orifice, each clang of enamel rang out like a buck shot in your skull.

But you were able to find the humor in it, laughing as you sloshed out of the thick of the foam, Josuke having fallen to his knees on the damp sand of the shoreline.

"Shit, should've brought a towel." He groaned.

"Last time I checked, you had some pretty special powers that let you do pretty much anything." You wrung your hair out, tiny streams of water dribbling out from in between your fingers. You tossed the ratty mess out of sight, offering your hand to help the boy up. "And I very clearly remember you specializing in dryer-esque functions at least once."

"Yeah, for you." The boy latched onto your hand, letting you "pull him up" (like you were doing any of the actual work, smh.) "it doesn't work on ME."

"What do you mean?"

Josuke did his best to wring out his dress shirt, twisting it in his hands so that the water dripped out in a tiny stream. He sighed. "Just that. [Crazy Diamond]'s abilities don't work on me."

"That... explains some things." You muttered. Every moment you'd seen Josuke injured, it always stuck around. Whether it was the cuts on his face from some secretive mission or a torn eyelid, it never went away immediately, always covered with bandages or some type of gauze.

Your gut twisted. "Wait, so your telling me that if you got hurt, you'd have no way of fixing yourself?"

Josuke shrugged. "I mean, yeah, but it's not like I'm trying to. I can hold my own just fine as is." A warm tingle set your arm hairs on edge, the feeling of a million feathers flicking against your skin. You watched as the soaked fabric of your dress bloomed back to its previous state, the skirt flouncing out. A warm lock of hair tickled your cheek.

Josuke squinted, shutting one eye and taking a step back, holding his hands up in a square like he was trying to frame a picture, with you as the center. He dropped his hands. "Besides, I think it's a lot cooler to help others, you know?"

He slipped his fingers through his wet hair, his typical pomp having long since been ruined. Onyx strands hung loose, giving him a sort of shaggy and unkempt appearance. He cussed, trying to swipe the tangles back in vain. "I just wished it'd work on stuff like this." He muttered. The hair just popped away again, already starting to stick in it's downward direction.

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