Chapter 15: You and I Are...

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"Do you seriously not know which way to go?" His voice came out soft, maybe a little annoyed.

"It's not that, it's just... I wanted to talk." The scrap of paper in your hand felt almost as if it were emitting heat, but you grasped the burning shred tighter. "You don't have to, if you have other things to do, I get it-"

"No it's fine, I don't mind helping you out." He smiled sweetly. "You're still at 6-28, right?"

"Well it's not like I moved in the last couple weeks, but yeah."

A puff of air came out of his nose, almost like a little laugh. "Good to know." He looked at you. "Shall we?" You took up the space next to him as you strolled away from the train station, mingling in with the foot traffic of other passers by.

He led the way back to the plaza, his hands casually returned to their spot in his pockets. "So... What did you want to talk about?" His words were low, hesitant.

The ember in your palm seemed to surge with heat. "Oh, that."

"Yeah, 'that'. Come on, please stop dancing around it." He groaned.

The fiery heat moved up to your face. "I'm going to tell you, I swear! I'm just trying to figure out how to say it."

Josuke lightly scratched his cheek, looking lost in thought. "Would it help if I asked questions and you gave me answers?"

You looked up at him. "Yeah, that might work."

"Ok then." His eyes darted down to yours, trapping them in that almost violet prison. "Why did you tell me not to talk to you at school?"

Your stomach did a backflip, but no matter how you tried to tug your trapped eyes away from his, they held in place. "Oh wow, going right for the throat on that one..."

Josuke turned his head forward, but his sights were still on you, watching now from the corner of his eye. He eventually pulled even that away, watching the street in front of you. He sighed. "It's the one that's been bothering me the most."

Belly flop. Your stomach had tried to do another flip but failed miserably, bringing back that familiar twinging feeling of guilt in place of the sloshing of nervous butterflies. "I'm sorry again, I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings..."

"It'll take a little bit more than that to hurt me." He smirked. "Besides, we're talking about it now, aren't we?"

your shoulders shrank up against your ears, hiding the burning sensation on your cheeks. "Oh God, this is mortifying."

"Spit it out, I'm not going to judge." Josuke rolled his eyes, that smile of his was probably meant to be reassuring. He poked his elbow at you playfully. "You said it yourself, I've seen some weird stuff."

You laughed nervously. "Well um, you see..." you had pressed your fingers together in a sort of solo thumb wrestle and couldn't stop fidgeting. "People were um... 'Speculating' as to why I had your umbrella, the other day. I didn't want to make any more waves, so I figured it'd be best if I just.... stoppedfuelingthefirebytalkingtoyou, ya know?" The words came out crunched up jumbled.

He just raised an eyebrow at you. "Why didn't you just tell them the reason why you had it?"

Ok, apparently he could understand you. You couldn't help but snort at that, a little grin blooming over your lips. "Yeah, and tell your fans that I was at your house when you hadn't shown up to school? I would've been murdered."

"I'm sorry, my 'fans'?"



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