Chapter 2: The Boy and The Turtle

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"(Y/n), it's time to get up!" Junko clutched onto the door frame, practically falling over from how far she was leaning into your room.

You sat up with your face scrunched, turning your disgruntled face onto Junko. "No." Junko, not liking your answer apparently, decided to blind you by flipping the light on. "AAAH, fine! I'm up!" You made a show of sitting up and shooing her away, eyes still hidden under your scrunched eyelids and twisted sheets wrapped around you.

Slowly, you actually opened your eyes, and took a good look around your room. The walls were mostly blank, save for the poster of a show that Junko likes and the strip of photos you had gotten in a photo booth when she had shown you around town. Sitting on top of your dresser, folded neatly, was a green uniform, your uniform.

It had been a week since you started living with the Inoues, and today was your first day of school. It felt strange, putting on the green skirt and matching sailor-esque top. When you looked at yourself in the mirror, you couldn't help but twirl around like an idiot and strike a few poses. "Wear some accessories! They'll let you get away with it because you're an exchange student!" Junko shouted, leaning out of her own bedroom door as you crossed the hall back into your room.

you dug through your sock drawer and pulled out a pair of over the knee socks. It would be kind of nice to look all cute for your high school debut...

"Do it." Junko's voice suddenly materialized at your door. "Wear em' as high as you can."

"Stop being a creep." You threw the socks at her.

"Do it, do it, do it!" Junko chanted as she ran down the hall. It was really nice that you two had clicked so well, you had no idea what you'd have done if you had hated each other. Actually, the entire Inoue family seemed to take you in all the same. Mr.Inoue was a businessman who doesn't speak a lot, but was very curious about what your home life was like, and Mrs. Inoue was the sweetest, always checking up on you. The day after you had gotten there, she actually took you and Junko out to some shops to get some extra stuff for the school year.

You went over to the door and picked up the socks. Going into the bathroom to brush your teeth and fix your hair, you couldn't help but feel those butterflies again. This is it, this is what it's all built up to. You looked yourself in the eyes and smiled, poking the cool glass of the mirror. "Let's go out there and kill it!"

The short walk down the stairs and into the kitchen was pretty uneventful, however... "Aw, Junko be nice! just one picture!" Mrs. Inoue chased Junko around the kitchen as Junko shrieked. Mr. Inoue was calmly reading the paper and watching over the rim of his coffee as his wife and daughter went zooming past.

"Not on your life!" Junko skidded to a halt and snatched your wrist, running to the down the hall to the entryway, towing you behind. Mrs. Inoue stood at the end of the hall, sticking her tongue out at Junko, who was too busy putting on her shoes to notice. Junko looked up at you with a mischievous glint in her black eyes. "So, how are you feeling?"

You slid your shoes on, and weakly smiled at her. "Like I'm going to fall off a cliff."

"Say geronimo, then." Junko unceremoniously pushed open the front door, grabbing her bag, handing yours off to you, and running out of the house. You turned and looked back to Mrs. Inoue.

"See you later.."

"Have fun (y/n), you're going to be fine!" You smiled, and followed Junko out into the great wide world.


"I guess I'll take you to the office when we get there. I'm sure they're not going to make you do freshman orientation, what would be the point?" Junko was bouncing on her heels, you trailed behind nervously clutching your bag with both hands. Junko tossed a look over her shoulder. "Relax, will ya? This is exciting! Especially for me, You're the jewel in the gossip crown, and I'm the one who gets to carry it around."

"You have such a way with words, Junko." you sped up a little so you two were walking side by side. As you passed through more of the neighborhood, more and more students, wearing either the familiar green skirts or black jackets and slacks, faded into the street around you, all headed in the same direction.

The road had opened up into the plaza you had seen on your way into town, busy now with pedestrians and cars alike. Off to your right, the turtle pond sat making ripples, a kid around your age crouched down by it. Junko tugged your sleeve, "hey, don't look now, but you see that group of guys?" You gazed around the plaza slowly, easily settling on a group of rather intimidating boys, all of which were wearing the same school uniform. "Those guys are upperclassmen at our school," Junko muttered under her breath, "they're bad news, if they try to mess with you pretend you don't understand what they're saying."

As you crossed the plaza with Junko, you noticed that the group had crossed over to the kid sitting by the turtle pond. "Yeah, ok."

Almost as if to prove Junko's point, the delinquents started shouting at the other kid. You couldn't help but feel sorry for him, standing to face them and just taking the abuse. You were almost out of the plaza when one of the guys picked something up, maybe a rock, and threw it on the ground, making a crunching sound that pulled your attention back. Junko hissed under her breath. "Those guys are garbage, someone needs to teach them a lesson."

You had stopped walking, watching them. Junko's grip on your sleeve tightened. You suddenly felt sick, a boulder of weight dragging your heart to the deepest pit of your stomach. The "rock" wasn't a rock at all, it was a turtle. "(Y/n), let's just go.." along the outside of the plaza, a bus pulled to a stop. The shouting of the group was getting louder, loud enough that you could hear the exchange of acidic words.

One of the guys, the lead one who was harassing the boy by the pond, was suddenly whipped backwards. "What the-!?" You gasped. The boy was bleeding and covering his face, his friends looking down at him and backing away from the boy who had lashed out. "Did you see that Junko!?" You turned to face her.

"Yeah, but what happened?" The group of boys were backing away, running from the kid who was now gingerly retrieving the turtle that had been thrown down.

You had no idea. It was almost as if the guy had gone flying on his own, but the way the turtle boy was standing it looked as if he had punched him. On the other side of the plaza, a large man in white was approaching the boy quickly, a kid following close behind. "Alright, we're getting out of here, I'm not sticking around to see anymore violence." Junko was pulling you along behind her, "seriously (y/n), let's just go."

Though your feet carried you forward, your eyes were locked onto the boy, who seemed to return to a normal and calm demeanor. Even from the other side of the plaza, you could tell that he was gingerly taking care of the poor turtle. His eyes scanned the plaza as the man approached him.

What on earth just happened?

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