Chapter 8: Mugshots

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"Look, I know this is probably really freaking weird," Josuke was showing his hands, his palms facing Towards you. "But I'm just a normal dude, let me explain-"

You couldn't help it, the fear that was building inside of your chest broke, croaking out as laughter. "This? this isn't normal! None of this is normal!" You were choking the words out, holding up your perfectly normal hand. "My hand was BURNT Josuke!" You twisted your hand around, showing all angles of it. You let your wrist fall, your shoulders suddenly going limp. You slid down the wall, coming to a stop on the floor. "What are you?" Was all you could whisper out.

Josuke was dragging his fingers through his hair wildly looking around as if someone was going to burst through the door and save him. When he turned his face back to yours, he looked scared. "(Y/n) please listen to me." He took a breath and slowly circumvented around the semicircle of furniture. You tensed up, but Josuke kept his hands facing you the whole time, pausing not six feet away and kneeling on the floor. He sat with his hands up across from you, who had crumpled in a heap against the wall.

Josuke slowly put his hands down. "(Y/n), I know that things look... really bad, and I can tell that you're scared-"

"HA!" Your voice trembled as the harsh tones of laughter tumbled out of your mouth. "What gave you that impression?"

"Just listen for a second!" Josuke snapped. You shut your mouth, and he looked mortified. "Sorry, I didn't mean to- Just-" his voice softened, "just... watch." His shoulders tensed. "Please?"

All you could do was watch as the raven haired boy grabbed the abandoned mug from the coffee table, it's contents long since gone. He turned back to you, and looked you in the eye as he pitched the ceramic cup across the room, shattering with a loud crash as it hit the wall, a piece of the handle bounced back and landed next to him with a clatter. He sat back in his spot calmly, hands lowered to his side.

Ok, so even if he isn't a demon, you now know that Josuke Higashikata was bat-shit crazy.

You almost laughed at how random it was. "Why did you do that?"

Josuke sighed. "Because words can be really damn difficult." He picked up the shard of the mug's handle and held it in front of him. "It's easier to just show you." He found your eyes, and offered a tiny smile. "Please, don't freak out..."

Slowly, as if they had come to life, pieces of the shattered mug started to shake and shudder, headed towards Josuke. Some flew through the air, others dragged across the floor, but they all advanced towards his extended arm, as if magnetized. The fragments drifted up, and one by one started to fit together like puzzle pieces, leaving Josuke holding a completely undamaged cup.

"Ha... haha..." (haha, I'm in danger!) You looked up at Josuke, who had set the mug down in front of him. "How did you do that?" The words came out as light as breaths.

"I have this... power, I guess." He started to explain. "I've had it for as long as I can remember. It lets me return things to their former state." He poked at the mug. "Formerly, this wasn't broken, so I... fixed it."

You were quiet for a moment. This is crazy. "Is that what you did to my hand?" Your eyes were locked onto the mug.

"Yeah. And when you put the towel on, I used [Crazy Diamond] to dry you off."

You knit your eyebrows in confusion. "[Crazy Diamond]? Is that what you call your power?"

"Well, kind of... it's hard to explain. [Crazy Diamond] is the name of my... spirit energy, if that makes any sense." Josuke rested a hand on the back of his neck. "He's invisible to most people, but it's kind of like an extension of my soul."

A Crazy, Noisy, Bizarre Adventure (Reader x Josuke)-  Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Where stories live. Discover now