Chapter 7: What Are You?

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Your eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. His place?! Nope nope nope! That's a secondary location, never get taken to a secondary location!

Josuke seemed to read the expression on your face. "Oh jeez, I didn't mean for that to be creepy! That sounded really weird, I meant we can go back to my place and- no, that sounds worse! I meant-" He stumbled over his words, his arms flailing as he tried to gesticulate what he meant. He took a breath and composed himself. "What I meant to say was that my house is over there, and we can get out of the rain so I can help you get where you're going."

You were a bit dumbfounded. Before, Josuke always came across as cool and confident, but here he was, stumbling over his words to try and make you feel comfortable. There wasn't a trace of that menacing aura that had surrounded him at SunMart.

"Ok." You pushed the word out gently.

"Alright. it's um, this way." Josuke gestured for you to follow him, jogging down the street. You chased after him, the sound of two sets of footsteps sloshing through the rain. He stopped in front of a white house with a two door garage, jumping up the front steps. There was a spot in the driveway that was drier than the rest, you assumed a car must have just been there. You jogged up to the front door, Josuke holding it open for you.


The Higashikata house smelled like pine and old spices, and the living room was neatly arranged, the furniture arranged in a semi circle around the tv. Josuke had ushered you into the living room rather urgently, before disappearing elsewhere in the house. You took up standing in the corner by the window, not wanting to get any of the furniture wet. The spot around your feet was starting to leave a puddle of water. You rubbed your arms and tried to make yourself as small as possible.

You glanced up at the clock on the wall. The smaller hand hovered right over the number five. You found your hand absentmindedly patting the area around your pocket, feeling to see if your phone was still there. You fumbled into the folds of the soaked fabric, pulling it out, dripping water. "Oh god, please work." Flipping your phone open, you started pushing random buttons, hoping the screen would light up, to no avail. "Great, that's just perfect." You crammed the broken hunk of plastic back into your pocket, your face getting warm.

"You can sit down, you know." You whirled around, your classmate standing in the doorway. Josuke was holding a towel and a mug of steaming liquid, crossing the room and setting them on the coffee table. You watched him take a seat in one of the chairs, gesturing to the couch.

You stayed where you were. Josuke sighed, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. "It's fine, I get it. You're in a weird guys house, it's ok to be cautious." He looked across the room, finding your eyes, you squirmed under his gaze. He looked tired. "Could you at least get the towel? I'd feel really bad if you froze to death in my house."

Your feet cautiously advanced toward the coffee table, putting yourself on the opposite side of it. The terry cloth was plush and warm, and when you wrapped it around yourself, it felt like you were enveloped in a glowing pocket of sunshine and warmth. You pulled the towel tighter. "Thank you."

Josuke gave you a little smile and tilted his head in the direction of the couch. You fidgeted with the edge of the towel, but followed his lead, sitting tentatively on the edge of the cushions, your leg immediately starting to bounce. He looked confused for a moment. "Are you cold?"

You forced your leg to stop, shoving it down with your hand, disguising it by simply putting your hands in your lap. You glanced over at Josuke, who was watching you. You offered a quick smile and looked away.

A Crazy, Noisy, Bizarre Adventure (Reader x Josuke)-  Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Where stories live. Discover now