Chapter 5: For Curiosity's Sake

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"Fancy seeing you here, (y/n)." Kazue was at his locker as you entered the school building with Junko.

"Good morning, Kazue." You couldn't help but smile, it was such a relieving feeling to have at least a few friends in such a strange environment. "Oh, I guess I should introduce you two. Kazue, this is Junko Inoue, she's part of my host family." Junko gave a little wave. "And this is Kazue, he sits in front of me in class."

"Yo." He gave a little two finger wave.

"Well, this is lovely and all, but my locker is over there, and I don't exactly want to be late for class, soooo..." Junko gave a grand salute and disappeared into the rows of lockers.

You unlocked your locker and started to change your shoes. "Have you seen Miko this morning?"

"Nah, she usually comes in a little late, so I wouldn't get your hopes up if you wanted to see her before the bell rings."

"I see..." you had been hoping to ask her a few questions. About school, sure, but what was burning was if there was a history of strange things happening in town. Little by little, the entrance to the school started to fill up with more students, the dull roar of a hundred voices reverberating off the ceiling. "Actually Kazue, I could ask you-"

"Josuke! Good morning!"

The hair on your arms stood on end. More voices, mostly girls, called out similar greetings. You peeked over your shoulder, and there he was. He had a face that, even though neutral, looked like he was smiling. Those sapphire eyes of his glinted like gems, and his onyx hair was done up as usual. You whipped your head around when he showed a sign of starting to turn.

"Oh man, we've got another one." Kazue sighed and shut his locker door.

"What do you mean?" You looked over at him, slamming your locker shut. You two started walking down the hall.

"Another member of the Josuke Higashikata fan club. They meet on Wednesdays, by the way. Maybe they have a book you can read up on."

"You'll have to trust me when I say it's not like that." You stammered out, dismissing Kazue with a wave of a hand.

"Hey, I'm not judging," he tossed his hands up, "If I were a chick maybe I'd be obsessed with him too." Kazue slid the classroom door open, letting you pass him.

The classroom itself had several other students, some offering a good morning before they resumed their own chats. You hooked your bag onto your desk and took a seat, resting your head on the smooth tabletop.

"Well what do you know, look who's early! You're making me look untrustworthy with my intel, MIKO." You lifted your head and saw Miko standing in the doorway.

She huffed over to her seat, two over from you on your right. "I want to make it clear that I never said YOU could call me Miko, Ebina."

"Ouch and here I thought we were friends." Kazue clutched his hand to his chest. "It hurts, right here."

Miko just rolled her eyes at him, coming over to sit on the desk next to yours. "Ignore him. Did you need me or something? I'm assuming that's why he was speculating about when I'd get here."

"Yeah, I actually had a few questions I wanted to ask-" you were cut off by the sound of the school bell.

Miko shrugged. "Geez, rotten luck. You can ask me at lunch, ok?" She hopped off the desk, dusting her skirt off.

With the warning bell having rung, the majority of the students in your class filled in the room, most of them finding their seats. You glanced up and saw Josuke meander in. Your eyes followed him across the room. "Earth to (y/n)! Class is starting." Kazue's voice called you back. When you looked over at him, his eyes were on Miko, gesturing in a sort of "get a load of this" motion.

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