Chapter 24: Groundbreaking

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A/n: I think I'm going to start releasing a single chapter at a time. If I've got enough material built up, I might publish more, but in future updates it'll most likely only be one. Thank you for reading My story! I love every single comment I get  ^-^


School is pretty great. You get to hang out with your friends, learn about things, and take in the experiences of being a teenager in the comfort of a familiar environment, what is there to not like?

What made it just a little, itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, TINY bit less great was the fact you were grounded, and couldn't do much else BESIDES going to school. No trips to the hospital, no stopping at the cafe, not even being able to go on walks other than the commute to and from home.

Oh, you didn't forget about that, did you? That's what you get for running off right in front of your host mom with only so much as a, "lol see you later, I'm going to go get sexually harassed by my tipsy classmate".

At least it was only a week. It was only your first offence, after all.

Junko herself wasn't super thrilled with you either. She'd been a lot less talkative as of late, her normal quips were missing from your daily conversation, and she seemed less keen on generating chit chat at all.

It hadn't really occurred to you until about midway through the week, on the afternoon walk home.

"Are you ok? You've been quiet lately." You decided to prompt her.

Wrong move.

"OHHHHHH, YOU'VE NOTICED!" Her words ripped free like a clap of thunder, tossing her arms in the air for good measure. "Your sleuthing skills are IMPECCABLE." She gave you a crazed grin.

"Did I do something? I'm sorry if I did-"

She raised her hand to cut you off, her face set in cold stone. "I told you about getting lost in town AGES AGO, and yet you still go running off whenever you feel like it, and it always has to do with that stupid guy! Ditching me is one thing, but doing that to my MOM? So you can go hook up with a boy when you're a guest in our home?! You've got a boy toy, GOOD FOR YOU. You feel comfortable here, FANTASTIC NEWS. But running off on my mom and making her worried sick? That was so not cool!"

You felt the guilt in your stomach rear its ugly head and roar. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make her worry, nor you. It was selfish." Your heart sank as the guilt monster tried to pull it under the icy waves.

Junk let out an exasperated sigh. "Tell me about it, but don't apologize to me, it's my mom you should be saying sorry to." Junko's countenance was far less angry, though still serious. "She gets really worked up over the idea of you running off and getting lost, or hurt, or... worse... She's told me a million times growing up that it's too dangerous to go off on your own in town, especially at this age."

You gathered the courage to look over at her. "I get that, but it's not like any of that's going to happen HERE of all places. The city I understand, but Morioh can't possibly be that dangerous. I understand the concern but... isn't it a little overbearing?" You hid your face again. "Sorry, I really shouldn't be questioning it. If that's what your mom wants, then..."

Junko was silent for a moment. She sought out your eyes, and appeared as if she were running through a million different situations in her head. When she finally went to speak, she was hesitant. "I'm going to tell you something, but you have to pretend you know nothing about it, alright? Let alone that you heard it from me." She waited for you to object, but you just nodded your head.

"In Morioh, there was a pretty high profile murder, and I don't think my mom ever got over it. It was a huge story, since the whole family was killed. Nothing like that had happened before, let alone in our town. The family had a daughter, right about our age, who the police believed to be the target, but... the killer was never found..."

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