Chapter 11: Butterfly Fueled Realizations

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It's about time that you realize how attractive he is, don't you think?

You were nervously fidgeting with the hem of your skirt. Lunch had started five minutes ago, and yet you were here, hiding around the side of the school. The spring thaw had come to town a while ago, but it still wasn't quite the warm season yet. The concrete of the school building leeched the warmth from your body even just leaning your back against it, so you had taken to standing upright, tucked around the corner so you wouldn't be spotted by anyone casually strolling past.

Every time you heard footsteps, your heart rate increased a little more. There were only two options of who could be on the other side of the wall, it either was Josuke or it wasn't. You didn't know which made you more nervous.

The note you had written and torn up told him to come to the side of the school a few minutes after lunch started. Only he would be able to get the message, because in order to read it, he had to use that bizarre ability of his.

The gravel crunched on the other side of the wall and stopped, your heart pounded against your rib cage. Whoever it was didn't make an attempt to turn the corner. "Huh, this is the spot she wanted to meet, right?"

Suddenly it felt as if the rhythm of your chest came to a crashing halt. well what do you know.

"Maybe she meant the other side of the school." The voice muttered.

"You idiot." Without thinking about it, you reached around the corner and latched onto his arm, pulling him around the side.

"Jesus! (Y/n), you scared the shit out of me!" Josuke had his arms over his chest, as if in a defensive position. You felt the hair around your head lifting, as if a balloon had been holding it up with static electricity. You looked up in wonder.

"Was that... you?"

Josuke took a deep breath, as if calming his nerves. "Yeah, like I said, you scared me." He looked down at you. "What's with all the espionage crap? If you wanted to talk you could have come right up to me, you know." He relaxed, leaning against the wall. Apparently he wasn't bothered by the concrete.

"I actually couldn't, but that's besides the point." You crossed your arms looking up at the boy, his face was curiously watching you. "What did you do?"


You huffed. "The power went out yesterday and you suddenly came to school with a complete stranger. What happened?"

"Do you assume that anything weird around town has to do with me?"

"Well? Did you have something to do with it or not?"

Josuke dodged his eyes away. "Maybe."

You threw your arms up. "I knew it! Jesus, what happened?"

He quirked an eyebrow. "I don't know if I should tell you."

"Don't do that."

"Do what?"

You ran your fingers through your hair, frustration seeping from your words. "The whole, 'we're talking about something but I'm not going to tell you what's actually happening' thing! I hate that, good GOD."

Josuke looked genuinely surprised at you. "Whoa, you're pretty fired up."

Though you weren't afraid of him, his eyes still carried a sort of uncomfortable weight to them. You felt the sudden urge to hide under a rock, but instead opted to duck his eyes. "Yeah, I guess so."

He sighed. "The reason I said that was because it has to do with the abilities I told you about." He glanced at you. "I don't want to freak you out on me again."

A Crazy, Noisy, Bizarre Adventure (Reader x Josuke)-  Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Where stories live. Discover now