Chapter 10: Get Out of My Head

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Kazue had returned only a minute or two before the bell signaling classes restarting sounded. You could tell what happened bothered him, and had wanted to tell him not to worry about it, but he didn't look over at you once. Miko had made an attempt at getting you to talk, but you preferred NOT explaining your interaction with your classmate.

So, Josuke Higashikata. The school pretty boy to the point where he literally has a fan club. He who has magic super powers to fix anything. He who had given you nightmares for weeks and now is the reason that you were getting the stink eye from your classmates.

Just your luck, right?

It pissed you off a little. "Magic" or not, you wanted to scream and shout at him for making your life so... so difficult! Now you had to walk on eggshells in any way involved with him. Even if you could tell the truth about what happened, you'd look either crazy or like you two were-

"You know, some of them were saying you were eye fuc-" GAH, Kazue and his stupid comment!

If you could choose a time to spontaneously drop dead, it'd be right about now. It was like you were caught in a laser grid, and one false move would set off the alarms. Class was impossible to focus on, and flew by without you even noticing. You just felt your brain trying to strangle itself with over thinking.

"Earth to (y/n), school's out dummy." Miko was shaking your shoulder.

"Oh, right." You blinked a few times, jogging your brain. Today's not the day you end yourself, little guy. "Hey, where's Kazue?"

Miko looked away. "He must've already left, like we should be doing." She swooped up your bag, throwing it over her shoulder. "Let's goooo!"

You rolled your eyes, but found yourself looking at the desk in front of you, your friend missing in action.


"Well that's quite the pickle you're in, ain't it?" Junko was sprawled over your bed, helping herself to the candy that you had on your dresser. You were curled up on your desk chair, hugging your knees. Your window was open, and let in a slight chill and the cries of crickets and frogs.

You had decided to tell Junko everything. Well not EVERYTHING, she didn't know about Josuke's spirit stuff, but you had told her everything else. Being an upperclassman, you thought she'd be helpful navigating this whole dramatic and tangled situation.

"You're telling me, I have no idea what to do." You buried your face in your hands. "Okimi looked like she wanted to stomp on me, Junko!"

"Just calm down, let's think this through rationally." Junko was swinging her legs idly, her brown hair tied up in a bun. "So, there are these girls who hate you because they think you want a guy's attention and starting rumors about yourself to get there..." she looked puzzled. "That's tough..."

"You're not helping!" You groaned.

"Hey, I've got an idea!" Junko sat up straight, clapping her hands together. "Why don't you just go out with someone else?"

"JUNKO! I can't do that! That's so embarrassing..." You clutched at your face, trying to hide the blush that was spreading across it.

"Why not? It's not like you like that Josuke guy, right? I'm sure there's plenty of guys in your class that'd like a chance to take you out." Junko lazed her eyes over to you. "How about that guy you're friends with? Chicken-chips dude."

You pulled your hands from your face. "That's a whole new can of worms... I think he's avoiding me." You walked over to the window, looking out over the blocks of Morioh, their lights shining through those little windows like giant stars in the night sky.

"I'm glad you came to me for advice, (y/n)." You looked over at Junko, her eyes had a genuine smile in them, sweet and sincere. "Though, it's kind of funny that you managed to find yourself in a situation like this in the first place."

You went back to staring out the window, you could faintly hear a radio playing somewhere in the distance.

That's when everything went black.

"What the? Did we lose power?" Junko's voice called through your pitch black room. Looking out the window, you couldn't see a single light on for miles, the radio having died away.

"I think the whole town just lost power."

"What? Let me see. OW!" You heard a crash and, what you presumed to be Junko, hit the floor like a sack of potatoes.

Not two seconds later, the lights came back on, the radio in the distance starting up again. Junko was sitting on the ground, looking around. "What? What on earth did I trip on?"

"Yeah Junko, that's definitely the biggest question I have right now." you had leaned out the window, subconsciously looking in the direction of Josuke's house, squinting as if you'd be able to see something.

"That's super weird though, I don't think the WHOLE town has lost power like, ever."

You narrowed your eyes further. "I don't doubt that for some reason..."


The next day started out like any other. You and Junko had made it to school as if it were a normal day, which it was. You two split up at the doors to go your respective ways. You had exchanged your shoes, grabbed any supplies you might've needed for the day, and had shut your locker.

That's when things started going a little... different.

There were no raucous voices in the hall, even though you were certain you had spotted Josuke coming in, the only chat that was to be heard was under breath and behind hands.

" kid..."

"He's a shut in..."


You glanced up, and walking alongside Josuke was a boy you'd never seen before. He had sharp features, and what looked like scars crossing over his eyes. Though the world seemed to be watching the two, they just chatted as if nothing was the matter, the boy with the scars completely oblivious to the stares.

Now, the weird thing about this wasn't that there was a new guy at school, and it wasn't the fact that he was hanging out with Josuke either. Strangely still, it wasn't that there was a mysterious black out the night before. In fact, the weird thing that got your gears spinning was that all three of these things seemed to happen at the same time.

You watched Josuke walk with the boy with scars, your eyes briefly meeting as he passed by you.

"You have something to do with this, don't you?" You were mumbling to yourself. Damn him, and here you were, not wanting to dig yourself deeper into the stupid Josuke rabbit hole.

But he had gone and grabbed your attention again.

Damnit. You were about to do something stupid. You watched Josuke get further down the hallway, and frantically searched through your bag for a piece of paper and a pen. You scribbled something down, and started to tear a corner from the page. You glanced up, he was almost to the classroom, the boy he was with having turned and gone in a different direction.

You started running down the hall, tightly gripping the paper, ripping it to shreds as you went.

Almost there.

You beat him to the door. Looking Josuke dead in the eyes, you let some more pieces fall to the ground. "Excuse me, I need to get past you." You danced past him into the room, dropping the rest in the trash can in the corner of the room.

You turned your eyes back to his, and there he was. That curious boy with the stylish hair and indigo eyes was holding a piece of the paper you had destroyed.

Miko appeared around him. "(Y/n)! You made a mess out in the hall, get a better grip on your trash!"

You smiled sheepishly. "Sorry Miko, I'll try to find a closer trash can next time." You watched as Josuke walked over to his desk, stuffing the shred of paper in his pocket.

Message received.

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