Chapter 16: The Scent of Ginger

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"You're up early." You were sitting in the living room, the animated bodies of colorful cartoon characters danced across the Tv screen. The time on the vcr flashed 5:13, but you didn't bother looking up at your mom.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep. Figured I might as well just start the day early." The colors from the tv reflected vaguely onto the dark walls of the living room, glimmering on pictures of you and your family. Your mom came and sat next to you, idly watching the screen. You looked up at her but she seemed transfixed on the tv. "Uh, mom, what are you doing up so early?"

She didn't say anything. You leaned over and waved your hand in front of her eyes. The colors on the screen went grey, and the blustering of cartoon sound effects faded into static. Your mother fluidly turned her head to yours.

Her eyes reflected none of light emitted from the screen, almost as if they were as bland and untextured as the wallpaper. "Mom? What's going on?"

She didn't say anything, instead leaning in bringing her eyes close to your own. You scrambled back, and hit the armrest of the couch, but you couldn't get away from her. You stumbled to your feet, and backed into the corner of the room, the walls felt almost as if they were closing in. The form of your mother blotted out the tv screen as she shambled towards you. "(Y/n)..." her voice sounded as if it were coming from the static-spewing speakers on the tv. "Come here, sweetheart..."

You sank to the ground, your body urging you frantically to curl up into a ball, trying to cover your ears to halt the screeching tones that only seemed to get louder. You scrunched your eyes shut, waiting for something to happen.

A soft scent tickled your nose, something sweet, almost familiar. It reminded you of ginger; ginger and nutmeg, like your grandmother's kitchen when you went to visit. There was something else in it, something you couldn't quite place. It drew all of the fear and tension out of your body like the first deep breath of air after being underwater.

You cracked your eyes open, and found yourself in your school cafeteria, around you your childhood friends joked and tossed grapes and other lunch foods at each other. You swiveled your head around, but you didn't quite remember what had just happened that had you so frightened.

You felt something small and soft hit your forehead, and the friend across from you smiled so wide you couldn't see their eyes. You looked down and saw it was a grape. You picked it up and rolled it between your fingers, taking up aim at your assailant.

The cafeteria had gone completely silent as everyone had turned to stare at you blankly. The people sitting on either side of you were leaning in closer, those same dull and painted eyes from before, lifeless and dim. You pushed them away and struggled to your feet, finding the cafeteria doors and flinging them open. The hallways were filled with more dead-eyed kids, all of whom were slowly advancing towards you.

You pushed your way through the crowd, shoes squeaking as the beat against the linoleum tiles.



"Where are you, (Y/n)?"

The end of the hallway materialized, not a single escape in sight. At the far end, those slow marching students were advancing still. You curled in on yourself, the voices calling out to you were getting louder.

That strange scent was back, suddenly melting the walls of your school away to empty blues skies and warm sunlit fields of tall grass. As quickly as it had appeared, it was gone again, leaving you stranded.

The blue started to meld into black, the warm sunlight warping into a chill breeze that tore through the grass, whipping your hair out of your face. The cold seeped into your bones, sending you into a shuddering mess, teeth violently clattering in your skull. The wind howled deafeningly as the sky went black as tar, not a single star prickling through.

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